My Dom and I were not quite sure what to expect while we were directed through doors and hallways on my cell phone, being given instructions and pass codes to gain entry throughout the building. The time finally came when we arrived at our destination. When I had spoken with the people who ran the dungeon on the phone, the gentleman I spoke with stressed the fact that we required the Head Mistress’ approval and that they were very particular and strict with protocol and volume restrictions. Perhaps you can imagine my surprise when we were greeted by a young woman in jeans, a sweat shirt and rain boots claiming to be the Head Mistress. She led my Dom and me into what looked like a large apartment.
We walked into a small room with a couch and a large chair that resembled a giant, cushioned high heel. My Dom and I sat on the couch while the Head Mistress, Rebecca, preferred the high heel and asked us if we required any additional equipment. Both of us decided and followed her toward our room. My Dom and I looked curiously at each other as we were led through this strange looking apartment. It looked as though it was a storage area for furniture and drainy and I was wondering if this woman may have actually lived there. Considering I was expecting a ‘dungeon’, this took me by surprise and it was more comical than arousing. Luckily my Dom was amused as well which comfortable me. An expression of, “are you serious?” painted both of our faces.
As humorous as the situation was, I found myself actually feeling a stall of disappointment. I was looking forward to being led down a ribety wooden staircase to a chilly, cement basement lit dimly with candles. As we descended the stairs, people clad in leather and PVC would walk by us, harnessed in chains or led by leashes. We would pass large doors where screams and flesh being whipped by leather echoed through the hallways. I craved to play in an environment so different then my own apartment; a place that was madefor loving abuse and screaming sobs of adoration and devotion. I had wanted desperately to slip into a world where my own fans were out in the open, where they were embedded, understand and acceptable. As my hopes had diminished, so temporarily had my enthusiasm and I walked silently behind my Dom to our room.
He and I entered the small room. I suddenly was consumed by a mixture of excitement, apprehension and intrigue. My doe eyes surveyed the dimly lit room and looked curiously over each piece of large equipment available to us. As I glanced briefly over each piece, I could not help but to wonder how my body would be bound, configured or suspended to be abused. These thoughts made me very aroused and anxious to begin.
To my right there was a bond bed with a large wooden frame and multiple rings hung from above and were attached to the sides along the length of the bed. It was cushioned with black vinyl and had a small pillow at the head of the bed. Beside it was aWooden chair that resembled an electric chair with curved metal rods on each arm rest and both of the front legs to lock in the wrists and ankles of the person sitting there. There was a metal looking cap that hung from the top, but my Dom and I later realized that there were no wires running through the chair.
The largest spectacle in the room was the pulley of chains that hung from the ceiling on the left side of the room. It was magnificent looking, and a childlike smile formed across my face. At the end of the pulley system was a long metal bar that rested horizontally with wrist restraints hung from each end. This system was enclosed in a large wooden frame with a wooden platform to stand on and a full length mirror on the wall behind it.
What would later be my Dom’s favorite piece of equipment was to the left of the suspension bar. An inversion table with rings at the head and the bottom of the table sat up on an angle. Immediately to the left of that was a whippingbench in the corner of the room. My Dom and I could hardly contain ourselves. I found myself shaking out of nervousness in being in new surroundings and being presented with the reality that my Dom’s sadistic imagination could truly be free in this dangerously romantic environment. When the door was closed and locked, we both smiled at each other and knew our fun could now begin. I was reminded that due to the location of the room, my screams had to be kept at a low volume. The knowledge of this fact caused me to be preoccupied with restraining myself which later had a negative impact on my experience.
I stripped off all my clothes and buckled on my uniform; my collar and my wrist cuffs. I feel so beautiful in my restraints. The black leather against my fair skin accented by my short, dark hair made me look almost angelic and sultry at the same time. It also was a concrete mental and physical transition from my vanilla world into my D/s life which I cheer so much. I actually feelMore comfortable in my leather bindings because it is an external reflection of my inner self. Living as an independent, professional woman leaves me exposed to fear, doubt, manipulation and judgment.
However, when I am with my Dominant, stripped naked aside from my collar and cuffs, calmness washes over me. It is where I can devote all of myself to serving the one I love, the one who owns me, who takes care of me and whom I trust to give myself completely.
My Dom motioned to the inversion table. I looked at it curiously and stepped up to it, resting my back against it. I looked down at him, patiently waiting for him to use me. He surveyed my body slowly. I could see him thinking. It was as though too many deviant thoughts were racing through his mind to process, and the longer he looked at me, the More anxious I became. He walked towards me, and pushed my legs out to the sides, spreading them. He pressed his body against mine and kissed my shoulders, down my stomach and over my thighs. He upturned his face to lock his eyes with mine. I could see the excitement growing with his twisted smile. He then licked my wet cunt quickly. A high pitched gasp escaped my mouth from surprise. He smiled more and licked me again, teasing my clip with his tongue. I found myself so aroused, but too nervous in new surroundings to enjoy it.
I’ve also always had trouble letting myself relax and indulge in receiving pleasure between my thighs when I’m standing; afraid that somehow my knees will give out and I’ll fall to the floor. As amazing as my Dom’s mouth felt, kissing my clip and swirling his tongue between my lips, I was too inside my own head to let go. He could sense this, and he lowered his head and bit the inside of my thigh ferociously. I dropped my head back, winced and moaned desperately. He continued to bite down my legs, snapping my flesh between his teeth, attacking me with his mouth.
I could see that he wanted to play with the other equipment in the room. He walked over to the chair and sat down. He called me over to him. I walked over and knelt at his feet. There is where I feel safe, loved, and at home. I looked up at him adoringly. He moved my face close to his cock. I kept my lips closed as he caressed my mouth with his head. I know better than to assume to know what he wants and act before instructions are given. He was pleased with my attention to detail and my devotion. His cock felt so smooth across my lips, and his scent filled my nostrils making me struggle to keep my mouth closed. I wanted so much to wrap my lips around him. At last, he couldn’t stand it either, but would be sure to keep me at bay, and told me to open my mouth.
He slide his hard cock into my mouth and pushed my head on him so his cock was down my throat. I He told me to look up at him. There I was, on my knees between his legs; his cock down my throat; my lips wrapped around the base of his shake looking up into his eyes with love and gratitude. He smiled sweetly at me. He placed his hand on the back of my head to keep me still as he began to thrust in and out of my mouth, fucking my face. I tried to keep my mouth open and my lips wrapped around my teeth to protect him. He tasted so delicious, and hearing his moans from above were making me incredibly wet.
He slide my mouth off of him. I closed my mouth and licked my lips. He told me to stand up and step onto the platform underneath the suspension bar. I was shaking trying to stand up there was such a great amount of excitement flowing through me. From the bar, there hung what looked like grips for your hands, and below them were wrist restraints. Since I already had my wrist cuffs on, my Dom decided to take the grips and the restraints off the suspension bar and hook my cuffs directly to the ends of the bar. I stood on my tip to reach it and asI relaxed by body to surrender my weight to the bar, my excitement quickly turned to panic. My arms stretched out above me, with only my toes touching the ground it felt as though my arms were going to snap out of the sockets.
Ordinarily, I would be scared but also feel safe in knowing that my Dom know what he was doing and had complete control over me and the situation, but this was a first for us, and doubt consumed me. I was nervous that my Dom had no idea how this was making me feel or what he was doing. I began to whimper and tears ran down my cheek. I was facing the mirror so I had no idea what my Dom was doing behind me. He wasn’t even touching me. I was waiting to be grabbed, slapped, whipped, scratched, anything to get my mind off of the pain in my arms, but nothing came. I was just left, hanging there in panic and pain. I couldn’t take anymore, so in a broken voice, I told my Dom the pain was unbearable. He grabbed the whipping bench and pushed it under me so I could sit down. I was down on it before he even gave me permission. I was weak, scared and crying, but mostly, I felt alone. I usually know what my Dom wants from me, how to react or feel, but in this moment, there was so much uncertainty and doubt that I was miserable.
Throughout our time in the dungeon, however, there was a sweet back and forth between my Dom and me. He and I were new to This equipment, so manipulating my body in experimenting with the equipment and getting hooked up came with some trial and error. Although there was a great amount of abuse and sex, there was also intimacy and light humor. I can’t imagine what the Head Mistress thought as she heard the whipping of flesh, the slapping of skin together as we fucked, screams from abuse and laugher. My Dom and I always expressed our thoughts and feelings freely, and our communication helped ease my nerves and remember that he was still there with me, and he cared about me and my well being.
After I was unhooked fromthe suspension bar, my Dom told me to move over to the inversion table again. He hooked my ankles to the hooks on the bottom.
I was still emotional from the bar, so I stood back against the table and closed my eyes. My Dom took his flogger, and as I opened my eyes, I watched as he flung it through the air and it land on my exposed breasts. I pressed my head against the table and closed my mouth as I moaned. He whipped my tits again. The pain was warm and shot through my whole body. I closed my eyes tight trying to endure the pain, then I felt the soft leather slap my vulnerable cunt and I couldn’t restrain a scream leaving my lips. I began to pant from the overwhelming sensing of again and remaining quiet. My Dom walked around the back of the table and flipped it so that I was completely inverted.
It was a pretty incredible feeling that was oddly comfortable. I opened my eyes and saw my Dom’s erect cock pointing at my face. My Dom told me to suck him. It was very difficultt to move my head back and forth since there was a table behind me, so as my mouth was licking and sucking on him, I had to think about how I could manipulate my body to serve him. I thought since I couldn’t move my head back and forth, that I would have to bend at the waist up and down. It worked marvelously. I had contorted my torso to move in a smooth upward motion so that I could suck my sadistic lover. I could feel all the blood in my body rushing to my face and my Dom could sense that with my breathing restricted by his cock that I could not stay in this position for much longer.
Also, my feet were bent in while I was sucking him to keep my lower half stable and my foot had gotten stuck. With being upside down, the pressure building in my face, my abs aching from using my whole body to suck him and my ankles turned in an awkward, painful position, all I could think about was how good my Dom’s cock felt against my tongue as it slide in and out of my mouth.
My Dom stopped me and began to move the table right side up. Apparently, he liked how the position was affecting me, so he began inverting the table and bringing it back up repeatedly. I kept my eyes closed and could feel myself getting dizzy and disoriented, so I squeezed my eyes tighter. I was his toy to play with in every way, and I knew he was enjoying himself so I was silent and endured it.
My Dom unhooked me from the table. I could feel myself being light headed and in a fog moving from equipment to equipment. I tried to stay focused, to pay attention to what he wanted of me. He wanted me back to the suspension bars. I stood on the platform, terrified that I would have to be suspended again. I reached up and held the cuffs that hung from the ends of the bar, facing the mirror. I then felt my Dom’s flogger smoke against my flesh. I needed that familiar pain from him. I wanted him to indulge in his every desire, and I could feel he wanted to whip me. I squeezed the cuffs to hold my body still for him. I remembered I had to keep myself quiet because the room was not insulated for sound, so I could only gasp loudly with each crack on my bare ass. All I could think about was although my voice and screams were quiet, the echo the flogger made as it smoked my body was deafening.
My Dom then brought over the whipping benchmark and placed it on the platform. He told me to sit up on it, facing him. I straddled the benchmark and spread my legs wide for him. He climbed up, and mounted me. I became gged to have his cock deep in my dripping wet cunt. I needed to feel that familiar, soothing feeling of his control over me from within. He plunged his cock into me and began fucking me on the benchmark. I rocked my hips forward matching his rhythm. I could not see, but I can assume that the reflection in the mirror behind me was beautifully obscene as he fucked me hard.
We then moved over to the bondage bed. My Dom laid on his back down the length of the bed and I climbed on top of him.My thighs were spread over his cock, and I slid myself down onto him. I could see the violent desire in his eyes and knew he needed me to ride him hard and deep. I began thrusting my hips back and forth, rocking the entire bed, banging it against the wall. Again, my mind drifted to the warning of staying quiet and the bed was pounding against the wall. My Dom placed his hands on my hips to move me faster back and forth. His cock was buried so deep inside of me, and I rolled my head back as the heat of his arousal and domination flowed through me. I was tired, and emotionally drained.
All I could bare was to keep moving my hips back and forth on him, with out any thought or connection between my mind and my body. My will to serve was what kept me going. I looked down and saw the desperate cringe of pleasure in my Dom’s face, which I yearned to see so often. I rode him wildly until he came deep inside of me. I felt whole when he released all of his energy and love into me. His cumwas a gift that I would do anything to earn. I rocked myself up and down him slowly milking every drop of cum out of him. I adore being owned by him.
When I resolved my stability, I moved my body off of him and walked over to the suspension bar again. I had warmly suggested that my Dom connect the grips to the ends and hook up my wrist cuffs to them, so that I would have some slack to be exposed and available to him but I would not be in sequencing pain. He agreed, and he strapped me in nicely. I looked at myself in the mirror. My make up was running down my cheeks from my tears and my hair was all a mess from being pulled as I sucked my lover’s cock. My naked, pale body was stretched long and looked incredible. My Dom walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and rolled my head into his cheese.
It was a powerful, loving and intimate moment, and I felt so loved and beautiful. I adore that even in our most vicious moments; my Dom and I are still loving and sweet together. It is the most unbelievable fantasy come true to experience ageing torture, or being used as a filtered fuck toy, and to still feel his love and affect for me through my screams and fear. I cherish the bond and understanding that we have, and it was heightened in that moment, as I looked at the two of us; my naked body hanging, with my arms restrained to black metal above me and my Dom’s beautiful face nestled into the crook of my neck with his loving arms holding me. I felt like his possession, and I felt like I was where I belonged.
After I cleaned the room and he and I dressed, my mind was blank. I remember, however, that while my Dom and I were gathering our things and walking out together, I could not stop smiling. I was smiling because of the incredible fun we had, out of disbelief that only moments ago I was being restrained, inverted, fucked and whipped in a dungeon, and mostly because I had grown a little bit more and shared another memorable experience with the man I would do anything for; who my heart and soul belonged to. I was so happy and thankful to be used by him. Afterwards, I was consumed by the thought of going back, when he and I were more familiar with the equipment, and could experience a greater degree of bent loving when we would play there again.
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