The Rose


Date Night

It’s Friday night, and I cannot wait for Sir to arrive. Candles lit bubble bath run I slip into the hot foamy water. The hot water lapping at my naked body like a warm hug. Laying there relaxing as my mind wanders thinking about what Sir has enter for us tonight.

We have talked about tonight in depth, we have decided to stay home snuggled on the sofa watching movies. Quality time with lots of hugs and skin on skin contact. I cannot get enough of his warm arms wrapped around me as I breathe in his heavily scent as I bury my head into his chest.

Tonight, I am giving myself up purely to his wants and needs. Tonight, I am giving him my mind body and soul, they are his to devour as he pleases.

Tonight, we are in our safe space free to be who we want to be, no questions asked. Safe word in place and ideas of how it could go discussed.

Washing my body cleaning it away from the daily stress, preparing my mind and body for the adventureures that await us both tonight.

Stepping into the bedroom I catch a glance of my naked body in the mirror and smile. Tomorrow it may have a distinctive look if Sir leaves his mark to remind me of our evening together. The thought fills me with butterflies as I cares my body with my hand.

As I sit on the bed, I grab my favourite lotion and begin creaming my body leaving it silky smooth and soft. The gentle rose scent filling my nose with a comfortable feeling. Roses are my happy thing a reminder of my safe place growing up. A garden where they grow freely filling the air with their soft gentle scent, watching the bees fly about freely harvesting their successful nectar.

Looking at the clock I see it’s not long before he arrives, and I still have a few things to do before waiting for him as planned.

Straightening up the duvet and fluffing up the pillows I reach into the play draw. Placing out onto the bed a variety of impact play toys of my choice. The leather paddle with a heart shaped hole, two crop whips, a flogger and a leather glove. Beside them I leave a neat pile of rope and various restraints and cuffs and finally a blindfold.

On the bedside table I placed three bottles of water, massage oils, wax candles, lighter, scissors and arnica cream.

On the floor I plug in the wand and vibrators placing them on a towel to charge and leave a pile of absorbent sheets just in case it gets a little messy.

Next, it’s time to get myself dressed and into position before he arrives.

Putting on my red fishnet tights and slipping into a little see-through red negligee I feel super sexy. Spritzing my body in my favourite perfume I quickly brush my hair. Then taking time to divide it and put it into plaits. Now I’m ready for him.

Making my way down the stairs I unlock the door, go to the kitchen and make two drinks. A shot of whisky over ice for Sir and a water for me with a slice of lemon and an extra glass of water for Sir. Placing them on the table next to the sofa I hear his car pull up.

I know I have two minutes to get into position and be ready and waiting for him.

Excited I skip to the hallway, kneeing I take the Nadu pose back straight and eyes down. Taking a deep breath ready for whatever lays inside for our evening together.

As the door opens, I see his feet appear in the hallway my heart skips a beat as a small gasp of air leaves my chest. A whole mix of emotions fills my body as he walks over to me, as he knees before me gently placing his hand on my chin lifting my head so he can place a warm devoted kiss on my forehead. Lifting my head higher so our eyes meet he greets me with the cute smile that always melts me.

From behind his back, he pulls out a bouquet of roses a symbol of safety, a sign that shows me no matter what happens tonight I am safe in his presence. This is my cue to smile and respond throwing my arms around his neck and whispering thank you in his ear. He helps me up from the floor taps my bottom in a playful gesture and tells me to place the flowers in water first. Placing the flowers into water I quickly return to the living room give him another hug as he asks to take a proper look at me. I stand in front of him and give a little twirl as his eyes light up as he takes in the view before him.

Patting the sofa beside him it’s my cue to take my place beside him. Sitting beside him all snuggled up together the evening is just beginning.


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