The trio stepped into the new room, glistening and still wet in places, but it was a vast improvement on how they had been before that. Priya was topless, but this was only a mid-tier concern by now. All three women were quickly getting used to being undressed in front of each other and in front of Master — whoever he was.
His voice over the speakers interrupted their thoughts again. ‘Right, this is going to take a little explaining, but hopefully you bimbos will pick it up. Stacey, you’re going to lie flat on your back.’ Master waited while she did as she was told. ‘Good. Right, now, Cougar, I’m going to need you to cuff her hands to those two poles while Tits does the same with her feet.’
The other two women spread out, securing Stacey’s hands and feet to the four poles so that she was spread out in a very vulnerable looking X-shape. She wasn’t particularly stretched our or taut, but there was no way she was going to dislodge herself without help.
‘Good. Now, Cougar, on the wall you’ll see a ring gag. Put it on her and fasten it in place.’
Priya took a step over to the wall nearest Stacey’s head, which had the look of a garage wall, with several small hooks holding various implementations. None of them looked suitable for garage repairs or gardening, however. Instead of trowels or spanners, the wall held a variety of bondage toys. Priya found herself trying not to imagine what the nipple clamps, paddles and pinwheels might feel like, quickly picking up a black ring gag and returning to Stacey’s prone figure. With a sympathetic pursing of her lips, she gently lifted Stacey’s head an inch of the floor and fastened the gag in place, leaving the other woman’s mouth agope.
‘Alright, now take another one and do the same to Tits. Don’t worry, Tits, you can stay on your feet.’
It was the work of seconds to find a matching gag, right beside the space left by Stacey’s, and slip it into Tara’s unwilling but unresistant mouth.
‘Perfect. Now then, Tits, stand over Stacey then lean forward and line your mouth up with hers.’
Tara glanced over at Priya, who pretended not to notice her friend’s questioning look. Sensing a complete lack of support, Tara took up a position around Stacey’s wait, straddling her but still standing. She paused to swallow, which was no easy task with the tight-fitting gag in place, then leaned forward almost ninety degrees so that her face was near enough to exactly in-line with Stacey’s.
‘Very good. I’m almost impressed. Now, Priya, you see the chain hanging from the roof? The one with the cuffs on the end. That’s it. Put Tara’s hands inside and click them closed for me. Good girl.’
Both Priya and Stacey could sense Tara tensioning up even before the cuffs were in place. As they clicked shut, she was forced into being even more tense, with her arms taking most of her weight unless she shifted to take the strain on her lower back. Either way, the position exerted a lot of strainon some part of her body, and was already causing her to gasp and drool. The drool, by design, dripped direclty into and around Stacey’s open mouth. At the same time, Stacey herself could do nothing to stop it, thanks to her own gag.
‘Perfect. Well done, Priya. Now, finger Tara.’
‘What?’ Priya replied, shocked. The instruction had been given so calmly, so out-of-nowhere, that she found her own instinct overwhelming her recent conditioning.
She seemed to immediately regret the outburst, judging by the worried look on her face, but Master didn’t let on that he had even noticed, calmly repeating the phrase ‘finger Tara.’
Priya was extremely uncomfortable at the prospect of rubbing her friend’s pussy, but knew all too well that the alternatives were worse — probably for both of them. Still, even when compared to what had already happened, this made her feel uneasy. It was a different kind of disappoint. Everything else, disgusting though it had been, had happenedto her and the others directly. Individually. This was something else entirely. Something worse? Maybe.
As she positioned herself behind Tara, finding a relatively comfortable position, she found that she was suddenly uncomfortable at the thought of coming into contact with her friend at all. Even the prospect of a friendly hug would have made her feel icky, and she went out of her way to avoid touching any part of Tara’s body wherever possible. Unfortunately for her, “wherever possible” didn’t mean much. She ended up kneeing behind Tara, face turned away from her friend’s taut buttocks in their shiny blue dress, reaching between her spread thighs and rubbing haphazardly at her clip through the smooth nylon and white knickers.
Tara, who was feeling just as mortified at what was happening, was unable to fight her body’s natural response. She squirmed, both physically and psychologically, but her cliporis swelled and throbbed regardless. She didn’t have time to feel sorryfor Stacey, who was now under a near-constant downpour of her saliva, despite the fact that she had to strain just to avoid looking into the other woman’s eyes while all this was going on. The thought of cumming at the hand of her friend was racing through her mind just as surely as adrenaline was running through the rest of her body. As much as it made her skin crawl, a Priya-induced orgasm was quickly becoming inevitable.
Meanwhile, poor Stacey couldn’t even console herself with the thought of an orgasm at all. She couldn’t take her eyes off Tara’s writing, smoking brow, but she had tasted more than her fair share of the other woman’s drool at this point. It was all over her chin, lips and nose, too, thanks to Tara’s squirming. Still, none of that made her feel quite as icky as the multiple times a string of drool had run down the length of her exposed tongue and down her throat. She could see from the increasingly strained expression on Tara’s face that an orgasm was comingsoon whether she wanted it or not. What that means for Stacey — apart from the indescribably awkward feeling of looking into her friend’s face while all this happened — was more and more copious amounts of saliva.
Tara compromised and squirmed more and more, causing more and more slobber to rain down all over Stacey’s face, mouth and tongue. Completely helpless, Stacey could only swallow it, cringing at the Feeling of someone else’s lukewarm saliva. The strands that hit the tip of her tongue continued to be the worst of the bunch. She was cutely aware of the foreign fluid, feeling it almost in slow motion on every sensor it passed; tasting it on every taste bud.
At least the end was in sight. Priya’s technique was far from perfect, but once she had overcome the worst of her own reluctance, she at least found a rhythm that seemed to be doing the trick. She had no experience in reading another woman’s body language in this type of situation, but Tara’s gasps and groans were unmistakeable.
Priya’s own body was tense, too, but only from her own disappoint. She was torn between wanting to get this ordeal over with and maintaining some amount of dignified distance from her friend’s arse and pussy. She was pretty aware of how ridiculous that idea was, given the circumstances, but she couldn’t make the ickiness go away entirely. The feeling of Tara’s juices on her own slick, slippery fingers made her more uncomfortable than she could have put into words.
By the time Tara’s muscles started to tense up and, several muffled grunts later, relax, the entire trio was relieved. Tara for obvious reasons, still panting rapidly; Priya because she could finally take her fingers off Tara’s soaked crotch; Stacey because she no longer had to gulp down mouthfuls of her friend’s saliva. The whole thing had only taken a few minutes, thanks to the extremes of emotion and psychological arousal, but it had felt like an age to each of them.
‘Good,’ said Master plainly. ‘Master is pleased. Cougar, you can get up and free the others now.’ Sweaty but saved, Priya disentangled herself from Tara, but Master’s voice cut her off as she started to stand. ‘Oh. Before you do that, lick your fingers clean.’
‘What?’ Priya asked, disgusted at the idea, instinct overriding conditioning again.
‘I think you heard.’
The conditioning kicked in again before Master had finished responding. Priya knew from recent experience that failure would result in far worse of a penalty. Her mind raced with invasive thoughts of what kind of punishment could fit this particular crime, even as she licked the tips of her glistening fingers.
‘Do it properly. Like you’re enjoying it. You are enjoying it.’
‘Yes, Master,’ Priya replied automatically, forcing herself to slow down. She let her tongue linger on the tip of her middle finger, hoping that slowly dragging it along her damp finger would pass for sensitive enthusiasm. When nobody stopped her, she moved onto her pointer finger, trying to ignore the unfamiliar taste of another woman’s pussy. It was impossible, though. She found herself comparing it to the significantly more familiar taste of her own, which, though she wasn’t particularly into, she had at least tried before.
‘Alright,’ Master said. ‘Go on. Let them out. Time for the next room, I reckon.’
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