LXIX: Is That A Blindfold?
Blake, Liam, Marie
Blake dragged Liam into her room, giving him no choice in the matter. Emotion still swirled within her, unsettled and unsure, but she didn’t care. She was still a bit frustrated with Liam, and knew that a promise wasn’t as easy as just saying the words, but she was more frustrated with herself for being mad at him. And for angry-fucking him in her head the previous night.
Blake also fucking loved him for how wonderful he was, coming here to apologize even if it would take her time to accept it. She knew he wasn’t lying about that part. Liam was practical. He would have brought a bag if he’d been sure of staying over.
Think about that later. Liam is here, in my room. No thinking. Just him.
Slamming the door behind her, Blake turned around to face Liam, drinking him in.
It was unfair that he always looked so fucking good. His coat hung open, revealing a bright blue sweater the color of her hair underneath. It hung off his broad chest like pretty much all of his clothes did. His hair was halfway between messy and done, as usual, and his sparkling blue eyes threatened to pull her in and never let go when she met his gaze.
Does he always look so perfect? Or do I just think he does because I love him?
Thingking would come later.
Taking another deep breath, Blake licked her lips, then pulled Liam to her. Their lips found each other, locking together as their hands groped for buttons and hems.
“If I’m not seeing you for a month,” Blake said, between kisses as she pushed Liam’s coat off him, “I’m not wasting time now that you’re here.”
Liam just kissed her back, making a muffled sound Against her lips that was either an agreement or just a moan.
She pulled his shirt off of him, hands, grouping at his bare skin, taking in his warmth and the hard planes of his torso. They broke their kiss just long enough to pull the shirt over Liam’s head, and Blake snuck a lick at his nipples, making him gasp, and making her grin as her pussy quivered in anticipation.
Their mouths locked again once the shirt was off, discarded somewhere in her room.
When Blake’s hand went for Liam’s fly, however, he broke the kiss.
Blake blinked, shocked, as Liam closed his hand over hers.
She met his eyes, and found them burning with the same desire that thrummed through her body, but also hesitant and curious
Blake frowned, suddenly worried.
“Can we slow down for just a moment?”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Blake studied her boyfriend for a moment, then nodded.
Liam tried to think over his words as quickly as possible at the worry in Blake’s eyes as she nodded.
“I wanted to ask about subspace.”
Blake blinked.
“What do you mean?” she said slowly.
Liam thought for a moment, studying his girlfriend. She looked sobeautiful, standing before him, deep blue eyes wide, lips a bit swollen from their kissing, cheeses flushed and nose a little red at the tip.
He shrugged. He hadn’t planned on this when he’d come over, or even before their fight, but now, Liam wanted to do something for Blake. He wanted a way to show her that he cared and that he could deal with the parts of their relationship that weren’t so typical or vanilla.
“Whatever you can tell me.” he said, “Or whatever you’re willing to. What it is in general, what it is to you, why you like it…”
He trailed off with another shrug, “I just want to understand you a bit more. To see if I can do anything special for you.
Blake studied him for a while, and Liam’s pulse picked up as he waited for her answer.
Marie tried her hardest to keep her breathing level as Lexi’s fingers secured the rope around her wrists. It was hard. Lexi’s touch alone was usually enough to get Marie’s blood rushing a bitfaster, but now, mixed with the anticipation and the mystery of what Lexi was going to do to her, Marie’s heart pounded with curious, almost desperate arousal. Lexi had already stripped Marie, teasing her as she did so, but had kept her own clothes on. The tiny shorts and larger T-shirt somehow looked just as good on Lexi as her crop tops and belly chains and tight pants did. And it didn’t help that Lexi was Currently untucked.
Marie could see her bulge through her shorts, and her mouth had watered every time she caught a glimpse of it before Lexi had moved behind her.
“The purpose of punishing a little slut like you is nor for me to hurt you or be mean,” Lexi was explaining as she worked, “But to make sure you know your place. It’s supposed to be a behavior modification tool that helps highlight a part of you—usually something associated with shame or dear—that you’ve left unexpressed. Intentionally or unintentionally.”
Lexi’s fingers stopped and Marie felt a gentletug on the knots before Lexi put a hand on her arm and gently ran it up to her shoulder.
“Is that comfortable, pet?” Lexi asked, making Marie shiver, “Not too tight?”
Marie tried to answer, but found she had to swallow before any words would come out.
“Yes, Lexi.”
The blonde smiled at her, “Good.”
Lexi stepped away, leaving Marie on her knees, legs spread, with her hands bound behind her back. She studied Marie as she did so, eyes roving over Marie’s body as she grinned, biting her lip.
As she met Marie’s gaze, Lexi chewed on that bottom lip.
“Something’s missing…”
Marie swallowed again. Lexi hadn’t said anything about her not being allowed to speak, so…
“What are you going to do?” she asked.
Lexi arched an eyebrow.
“You don’t like the way you feel about Liam whenever you think about him, right? Don’t like the way you left things?”
Marie blinked, but nodded, “Yeah.”
“And same with Blake? You feel like thatngs could be so much better than they are between you two, but you screwed it up.”
Marie frowned, cheats growing hot at Lexi’s words, but she knew it was true. Lexi was just repeating back what she’d said earlier.
“Yeah,” Marie answered, a bit more deflated this time.
Marie shivered, looking up, and found Lexi before her a moment before her girlfriend’s lips met her own. Lexi held her chin in place as she kissed Marie, and something about that made Marie’s stomach flutter. She felt her lower lips grow even slider with anticipation.
Marie whimpered when Lexi pulled back, panting, and realized she’d completely lost control over her breathing.
“Don’t pout about that,” Lexi said, then smiled, “even when pouting looks really cute on you.”
Marie swallowed again and smiled at her girlfriend. Her domme.
“You were a bad slut with them,” Lexi said, stepping off the bed and walking over to her dresser, “You couldn’t control yourself even when you were getting sex regularly, and you fucked up, and it hurt you, and other people.”
Marie swallowed, cheats hot at her shame. She tried not to let it show, thought.
“You’re not like that anymore, though,” Lexi said, walking back to the bed. She held something behind her back.
“You’re a good slut, now, aren’t you?” she asked, reaching out and running her hand down Marie’s stomach.
Marie shivered, both at her words and her touch.
“Yes, Lexi,” she gasped.
Lexi smiled, then something flashed in her eyes that made Marie’s pussy clnch.
“You’re problem was control,” Lexi said, climbing on the bed. She still kept one hand behind her back.
“You’re doing better now, but I know that you aren’t all the way to where you want to be just yet—if you were, you’d know whether or not you’d cum last night. I’m going to let you be a bit of a bad slut tonight if you need to be, but you’ll get paid for it.”
She lowered the hand at Marie’s stomach, trailing her manicured fingers down between Marie’s legs. Marie gasped as Lexi brushed her clip, then her slide lower lips. She moaned when Lexi slipped a finger inside and hooked it towards her, pressing against the thick, sensitive bundle of nerves just inside her walls.
Marie’s legs quivered and she lost her balance leaning into Lexi.
Fucking finally.
Marie knew it had only been a few days since she’d last felt Lexi’s touch, but it felt like ages had passed. And now she finally had it again. She—
Lexi slide her finger back out. Marie gasped, then yelped as Lexi scratched her pussy just hard enough to push the sensings over the line of pleasure into pain and disappoint. It still turned Marie on. She needed Lexi to touch her, even if it wasn’t exactly the most pleasure touch. She craved it either way. Before Marie could ask why, Lexi slipped two fingers back into Marie’s pussy, curling them and pulling Marie towards her with them.
A ragged moan escaped Marie’s lips as her head started to fog over. She looked up at Lexi, questioning, and found a hard cast to eyes that otherwise smoldered with desire.
“You don’t cum tonight unless I say so,” She said, voice equally firm, “And I might not say so.”
Marie bit her lips, but nodded, heart pounding at the commanding tone in Lexi’s voice.
Fuck, if she ever talks to me like this in public…
Marie was certain she’d immediately soak through whatever underwear she was wearing and have trouble keeping her legs from quivering as she walked. The idea turned her on enough that she wanted to try it.
“I’m going to edge you, ” Lexi said.
Marie moaned, needing to lean on Lexi again for support, as Lexi started massaging her with those two fingers. The intensity started melting away Marie’s thoughts as deep, thrumming ripples of pleasure spread out from between her legs.
“I’m going to bring you close over and over again,” Lexi continued, “So close you that you’re right on the edge of cumming.”
She already was.
How the fuck is that possible?
Marie didn’t care. She just wanted to cum. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Between Lexi’s voice and her fingers, she was so—
Marie half-moaned, half-whimpered as Lexi’s finger’s withdraw from her folds just as she was about to cum.
Before Marie could open her eyes to look at Lexi, to ask her why, she yelped.
Lexi’s hand came down hard on her pussy, making her moan. It was so close to making her cum, but not close enough.
“Why?” Marie whimpered, drawing in ragged breaths as she gazed up at Lexi.
“You were going to cum,” Lexi said, that hardness still in her voice, “You got too close. When you get too close, your pussy gets slapped.”
She looked Marie up and down, “If you still manage to cum because you’re such a fucking slut that getting slapped in the pussy can push you over the edge, then I’ll tie you to the bed for the whole night. I’ll tease you until I fall asleep, but you won’t get to touch me, and nothing will go into your pussy. If I sleep well and am in a good mood, I’ll notie you in the morning and we can try again tomorrow. Got it, slut?”
Marie nearly came right there.
She nodded, and Lexi smiled, then leaned in and brushed her lips over Marie’s. The gentle touch made Marie moan, wrapping her body with shivers.
The smile on Lexi’s lips as she pulled back made Marie nervous and somehow even more aroused.
“I’ve also noticed how much you just like looking at me,” Lexi said, raising the hand she’d slapped Marie’s pussy with. The two fingers she’d slipped inside were slick and coated with Marie’s arousal. Without even thinking, Marie parted her lips and started sucking on Lexi’s fingers when she pressed them against Marie’s mouth.
“Good slut,” Lexi said, grinning, amusement overriding the hardness in her voice for just a moment before it returned,”You like looking at my tits, my abs, my legs…my cock. Tonight, however, you don’t get to see them.”
Marie blinked, tongue pausing on the pads of Lexi’s fingers. Lexi arched an eyebrow, and Marie continued sucking, holding Lexi’s gaze the entire time.
When Lexi finally pulled her fingers back, she brought up the hand she’d hidden behind her back, revealing a strap of clothes.
No. That’s—is that a blindfold?
Marie took a deep shuddering breath as Lexi placed the blindfold over her head, securing it in place, then tied something else over it, leaving her in complete darkness.
That little, instantual spike of fear and nerves that always popped up when unable to see pierced the fog in Marie’s head for barely a second before melding with her arousal and multiplying. She felt Lexi’s weight shift off the bed, then heard the soft swishing of fabric, and her lips parted in a silent gasp.
She’s undressing. And she’s not even letting me see that.
The realization of just how far under Lexi’s control she’d put herself hit Marie then, and she sank back on her heels as her legs quivered and a wave of arousal spread over her, making her entire body tingle. Lexi had her bound, so she couldn’t move much or touch herself. And now she couldn’t even see Lexi—what she was wearing, what she was doing, how hard her nipples and cock were.
Marie shivered.
It all just made her even more desperate for Lexi’s touch.
The room was almost completely silent for a while, and Marie almost broke it just to hear something, to see if Lexi would answer. Then Marie felt her girlfriend’s weight on the bed. She gasped, shivering—nearly moaning—as Lexi ran her fingers down her spine.
Lexi’s touch always felt wonderful, but this was something on an entirely different level.
“Fuck,” Marie breathed as Lexi grabbed her ass, fingertips so close to Marie’s holes.
Lexi laughed, “I take it you likethe blindfold, then? It’s not too much?”
Marie realized she was nearly panting, heart pounding hard. She tried to speak, then shook her head.
“Slut? I need an answer.”
Marie shivered.
“It’s incredible.”
The smile in Lexi’s voice made Marie’s heart flutter.
A moment later, she gasped as Lexi used the hand on her ass to push her back up straighter, then shivered when something cool and smooth pressed against the inside of her thigh, followed up by something soft and rubbery against her lower lips.
Then she felt Lexi’s fingers, and pictured her girlfriend holding whatever the thing was to her thigh. Some sort of straws followed. Two of them. One wrapped around Marie’s upper thigh, the other down closer to her knee. They pressed the smooth plastic thing firmly into Marie’s thigh.
Lexi’s hands left her then, only to return a moment later, one on either leg. She pressed Marie’s thighs together, and Marie gasped as the rubbery part of whatever Lexi had strapped to her thigh pressed more firmly into her pussy, even brushing her clip.
Then Lexi moved off the bed again. Marie found herself carefully aware of her own pounding pulse, which made trying to hear any sign of Lexi so much harder. Being denied the visual sense of where Lexi was, if Lexi was even paying attention to her, multiplied Marie’s need for her girlfriend tenfold. If Lexi touched her, Marie had a connection to her, know where she was. Without that, denied sight, Marie felt detached from her girlfriend.
Even as Marie bit her lip, the tense silence starting to get to her, Lexi’s weight returned to the mattress, and Marie let out a sight.
“Things are different with the blindfold on, aren’t they, slut?” Lexi asked, voice thick with amusement and desire.
Marie swallowed, then nodded, “Y-yes, Lexi.”
She gaped, shivering as Lexi’s fingers caresed her back, tracing a line from her shoulder blades to her hips.
“Is it too much?”
Marie shook her head, “No, I—”
She bit off the comment, but knew it was too late.
“You, what, slut?”
Heat blossomed in Marie’s cheeses.
“I don’t like it when you’re not touching me.”
Lexi laugh, “I don’t think we needed the blindfold to know that.”
Before Marie could respond, Lexi ran a hand over the curve of her ass, grabbing it. Then a slick finger slide down between her cheeks and onto her pumped asshole, pressing down, but not penetrating.
Marie shuddered, breathing in deep as Lexi traced small circles over Marie’s little asshole, then moaned when Lexi finally slide it inside.
The fog in Marie’s head made her eyes grow heavy, and she swayed on her knees. Lexi steadied her, only to slip another finger into her ass along with the first.
Marie’s lips parted in a silent moan as Lexi massed the sensitive membrane of her ass, sliding in a third finger in after a minute or so.
The fingers stretched Marie’s ass in such a wonderful way, yet none of them met any resistance or made her feel too tight when Lexi added another.
As Lexi fingered her ass, Marie moaned and struggled with her legs, trying to get more stimulation from whatever Lexi had strapped to her legs.
After a few tries, she got it to brush against her clip in just the right way, and shuddered at the electricity that spider webbed up her body.
Marie gasped when Lexi withdraws her fingers from her ass, leaving her with a sudden emptiness.
Marie moaned as Lexi’s hand slapped her pussy, nearly making Marie fall over from the combined surprise and sudden sensing.
“Such a needy little slut,” Lexi chided, making Marie shiver, “You can’t even wait for me to properly lube your ass up without trying to get yourself off. If you can’t even wait this long, maybe I should just tie you up now and be done for the night. I do have a good book I wanted toread.”
“No,” Marie gasped, “Please, Lexi. I’ll be good. I promise. I—”
Marie swallowed, knowing what Lexi wanted to hear, “I’ll be a good little slut for you. Please.”
Lexi cached.
She smoked Marie’s pussy again, a bit lighter this time, and Marie bit her lip to keep from letting out too much of a moan.
The mattress shifted beneath her then, and Lexi’s fingers didn’t return to her ass. After a few seconds, the shifting stopped. Then Lexi’s fingers pressed against Marie’s back.
“Move back, slut. Slowly.”
“Yes, Lexi.”
Marie did as her domme commanded, slowly shuffling backward on her knees, using Lexi’s fingers as a guide.
When her toes brushed against Lexi’s legs, Marie stopped, unsure. A moment later, the hand at her back was joined by another. Both traced lines down Marie’s back, making her shiver, skin tightening in waves of goosebumps, then cupped her ass and tugged. Marie let Lexi take some of her weight and guide her further back, then gasped when she felt something soft and slick brush her asshole.
Marie gasped.
Lexi’s cock.
Warmth blowmed in her chest, making her tingle.
Marie moaned as Lexi lowered her onto her thick, hard cock, stretching her ass so amazingly. Her nipples brushed Marie’s back, making her shudder.
When Marie’s ass finally came to rest on Lexi’s hips, the hands left her ass, then an arm wrapped around her torso and grabbed one of her breasts, tugging her back against Lexi.
Marie moaned.
This position again…fuck, yes.
Marie hadn’t ever tried this position with Liam, and had only tried it once with Kylie, but fuck, it felt amazing.
It gave Lexi so much control over her, and with Lexi’s cock in her ass and the blindfold on, her hands bound, Marie felt completely at Lexi’s mercy. That made her wetter than she could ever remember being before.
“Comfortable?” Lexi asked, voice thick,Almost a little strained.
Marie moaned, nodding, “Yes, Lexi.”
Marie gasped as Lexi pinched her nipple, then slide two fingers back inside her pussy. Lexi curled the fingers up, mashing down hard on Marie’s G-spot.
Marie almost came right there.
As soon as the outstanding left her mouth, Lexi’s fingers left her pussy.
Marie moaned, head spinning from the sudden changes in sensing.
“Looks like you’re a little worked up, slut. You like having your slutty little ass stretched, don’t you? Makes you soaking wet.”
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