The Roommate Pt. 55

LV: Drunk Torture



“Alright. Spill.”

Liam looked back and forth between the three girls, wary, and a little tipsy. Maybe a bit more than tipsy. He sat on Tasha’s bed, the brunette’s legs on his lap as she locked against her pillows. Sara and Kiki sat across from him on Petra’s bed, leaning back against the mirror. The third roommate was out, either studying or having fun with a new boy, according to Sara.

Tasha’s gorgeous, blonde roommate wore a green knit sweater with an oval cutout over her impressive cleavage, and black legs that clung to her toned, shaped hips and legs. Kiki still wore a tank top and sports bra over her legs, one that let just a bit of her insane abs peek out.

Tasha, on the other hand, had made a point of changing out her workout clothes while he, Kiki, and Sara started drinking. She hadn’t even gone into their bathroom, just told him to look away. Now, she wore a tight, low-cut tank top and loose shorts that bared her pale legs, toned from years of gymnastics and cheerleading.

“Do I have to?” Liam asked.

Tasha cleared her throat, arching a delicate eyebrow, “You say something like that again and you’re going to have to take another shot.”

Liam told, “Fine.”

Still, he hesitated. He knew Kiki well enough, and she’d found out some more private…interesting Things about him, and though he considered himself good friends with Tasha–a bit better than last year–she didn’t know too many things like this about him yet. Sara, he barely knew. He’d occasionally spoke with her last year when visiting Tasha, but this year, he’d only seen her a few times when hanging out with Matt or his rooms.

Liam frowned at that.

Have I really not been over here that often? Just because Tasha lives across campus now?

He’d have to fix that.

“Liam?” Tasha said, a warning tone to her voice.

He Shook himself, taking a deep breath, then looked aroundd at the three girls, “Sorry. Was in my head.”

He paused wetting his lips, then forced it out.

“Alright, I was wondering if you guys would be able to help me out with Blake.”

“Specifically having rough sex with her,” Tasha said, grinning.

Liam tried to keep a straight face despite the heat in his cheeses, “Yes. That.”

Kiki blushed, but Sara leaned forward, interested.

“How rough are we talking?” she asked, “I need to know what we’re working with. And how kinky?”

“Choking and spanking were mentioned,” Tasha said before Liam could answer, hypnotic blue eyes dancing as she grinned at him. Then she glanced towards the other bed, “And I think Kiki has something to add.”

Liam looked at his friend. She met his gaze, then blushed even deeper, remembering what she knew.

He let his head fall back, “Fuck.”

All three of them laughed, and Liam looked back to Kiki in time to see Sara grab her arm and pull her close, “Now you have totell us.”

Kiki bit her lip, looking back to Liam.

He shrugged, giving her a half-smile.

“Just go ahead and tell them. I think I’ll have to take another shot if you don’t.”

“You should take another one anyway,” Tasha said, flicking his arm, “You’re a boy. Your tolerance is higher.”

Liam stuck his tongue out her, and Tasha made a face, snapping her teeth, eyes sparkling. Then she turned back to Kiki.

“Spill. Or you’re taking another shot with him.”

“Her tolerance might actually be higher than mine,” Liam pointed out.

Kiki glared at him, “Fine. A while ago, he had Blake over, and she was acting a little weird and fidgety, and then I looked down and saw Liam playing with an app on his phone that is for a remote vibrator.” Sara and Tasha both divided at Kiki for a moment, then turned to Liam and grinned. Before Liam could say anything, Tasha sat up and pulled him into a hug, “Have I told you that you’re my favorite friend ever?”

“Ah! Rude!” Sara said, pouting.

Liam was finally feeling the alcohol. He’d felt much more sway-y when Tasha pulled him into a hug, and he was now very aware of her chest against him.

That’s fine, though, right? Neither of us are going to do anything.

“Oh hush,” Tasha said, hugging Liam a bit closer, “Liam’s my favorite boy friend. You’re my favorite girl friend. I don’t share sex toys with him.”

Liam’s eyes bulged, face going bright red. With that image and Tasha’s soft, massive chest pressed against him, he started to get hard.

I really hope they don’t notice that.

“You what?” Kiki gasped.

Liam’s friend looked even more red-faced than he felt. She leaned against Sara, hand on her thigh even as she stared back and forth between Sara and Tasha. Liam looked down at Tasha, raising and eyebrow. For once, she actually blushed, biting her lip. She didn’t let go of him, though.

“We don’t share them, really,” Tasha said.

“And they’re mostly mine,” Sara pointed out, grinning.

Sara’s tone made something click in Liam’s head, and he divided at the two rooms, then grinned. Tasha blushed, and Sara’s grin turned into a smile.

Kiki frowned, looking between the two of them, “What?”

“You two slept together, didn’t you?”

Kiki’s eyes bulged, “What?”

Neither Sara, nor Tasha denied it, though. Color finally blossomed on Sara’s cheats, and Tasha’s pale face was almost entirely red.

“Holy shit, you slept together,” Liam breathed.

“Kinda surprised you hadn’t already put that together,” Sara said, leaning back, “You know we’re both bi.”

“And that Sara’s a slutty horndog,” Tasha added. Sara just smiled at that as though it were a comparison.

It probably is between them.

The blonde did raise an eyebrow at Tasha, “You’re the one that was curious, though. I was just happy to help.”

“Only because you wanted to play with my tits,” Tasha said, wiggling her chest even as she leaned against Liam. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he grew a bit harder, and glanced at Tasha to find her smiling up at him.


“You actually interrupted us once last year.”

Liam’s eyes went wide, and he tried not to think about that image. It didn’t work. He was fully hard now, cock scanning against his boxer briefs.

“Last year?”

“We experimented a few times last year,” Sara explained, “Mostly when we were drunk.”

“Or really horny,” Tasha added.

“We didn’t really sleep together until a few times earlier this year.”

Liam thought about that for a moment, then leveled a hard look at both of them, “Not any more, though, right?”

Tasha rolled her eyes, letting go of him and flopping back onto the bed, “Duh. We both have our people now.”

“And they both have too many feelings to enjoy a show,” Sara surprised, rolling her eyes and leaning back against the wall.

Liam looked at them for a moment, then shook his head. He glanced back to Kiki, who was leaning against Sara, then thought of something. He caught her gaze, then grinned, “How did you know what that app was just by looking at it?”

Sara and Tasha gasped, grinning as Kiki’s face went bright red. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, then looked to Liam.

“Liam has a bonder.”

Liam couldn’t help going bright red as Kiki and Tasha burst into a gigglefit. Kiki joined in a moment later. He didn’t try to adjust himself, though, as that would have only drawn attention to Kiki’s comment. Instead, he shook his head at her, “I’m gonna get back at you for that, somehow.”

Kiki blushed, but just grinned.

Liam stiffened when Tasha hugged him tight again, “It’s okay Liam. Can’t really blow you.”

“Honestly,” Sara said, “We’d kind of be insulted if you didn’t have one after hearing about us sleeping together.”

Liam tried to think of some retort to that, but couldn’t.sha and Sara were really just that hot.

Tasha hugged him a bit tighter, and Liam glared down at her, “You’re evil.”

She smiled up at him, “I’m just giving my friend a hug. You’re the one with the boss. I’m sure Blake won’t mind. She seemed to appreciate my hotness.”

Liam surprised, “I really need to meet someone more gorgeous than you just so I can have them pop your ego.”

“So you do think I’m gorgeous?”

Rolling his eyes, Liam scrubbed a hand through his hair.

Tasha surprised, letting go of him, “Fine, I’ll be nice.”

Liam frowned as Tasha got up, then tugged him back towards her pillows. He stayed crosslegged, trying to hide his erection, and studied Tasha as she sat where he had a moment earlier. Then she leaned towards him.

“Tasha, wait–“

She laid down, putting her head in his lap. Tasha grinned up at him for a moment, then her eyes went wide, and she raised her hands to her mouth, “Oh, shit.”

Liam let his head fall back againstThe bed, trying to ignore the feeling of Tasha against him.

“What?” Sara asked. Kiki’s face was bright red again, eyes wide.

“He really does have a boss,” Tasha said.


“You can move, you know,” Liam said.

Tasha Shook her head, then meeped as Liam hissed.

“Please don’t do that,” he asked.

“Right,” Tasha said, “I’m just not going to move. Ever again.”

Liam groaned, “Blake’s going to kill me.”

Kiki snorded, “Oh, please. She’d just laugh at you. She might kill Tasha, though.”

“How do you not kill her with this thing?” Tasha asked, “She’s tiny!”

“That’s what I said!” Kiki blurted out. A moment later, her face somehow went even redder.

Liam’s face went just as hot as Kiki’s, and he felt that start to spread down his neck as Tasha and Sara looked between them.

“How do you know how big he is?” Sara asked.

Kiki glanced at Liam, biting her lip then reached towards Tasha, “Give me the vodka.”

Laughing,Tasha gave Kiki the handle. She took a sip, making a face as she set it down, then swallowed and took a deep breath.

“I’m pretty sure I saw him and Blake on the way to go have sex,” she said, “I think they’d already started, cuz he was in sweats, but I had no problem seeing it, and that was only for a second.”

Liam stiffened as something flashed in Sara’s eyes. She grinned at him, then looked back at Kiki.

“How big is it?”

“Pretty big,” Tasha said, “Not as big as Matt, though.”

It took Liam a moment to register what Tasha had said. He exchanged a wide-eyed look with Kiki, then looked down at Tasha. Her gorgeous, sparkling blue-violet eyes were wide with alarm. She shot up from Liam’s lap so fast that she nearly headbutted him in the chin. Liam looked to Sara and found the blonde’s face red and scrunched up with worry.

“Shit,” she breathed.

“Fuck,” Tasha said, “Sara, I’m so sorry.”

She whirled on Liam, grabbing his shoulder and staring into his eyes.

“You can’t tell anyone about this,” she said, “Not even Matt.”

Tasha jabbed a finger towards Kiki, “Same with you. Not a word of that leaves this room.”

Before Liam or Kiki agreed, Tasha turned to Sara, “Fuck, Sara, I’m so sorry.”

“Hold on,” Kiki said, “Matt? Like super innocent Matt that Liam and I went to school with? He’s bigger than Liam?”

Sara bit her lip, but nodded. Then she smiled, “Not so innocent anymore. Trust me.”

Liam just shook his head, still processing.

“How does that even work?” he asked, “I thought I was average until Blake said different, and she’s had trouble a few times.”

He turned to Sara, “If he’s bigger than me…”

Sara grinned, and Tasha cached, leaning back against him, “She’s a size queen, dude. She likes ’em stupidly big. That’s why Matt and her are perfect for each other.”

Liam shook his head, trying to ignore his boss as Tasha settled back into his lap–she’d apparently forgotten about it–when he remembered something. He looked down at Tasha and raised an eyebrow. She threw the look back at him, then pushed her breasts together and wiggled her shoulders, “Enjoying the view? I’m telling Blake on you.”

Liam rolled his eyes, “How do you know how big Matt is? Did Sara tell you, or is that because of the toys?” Sara barked a laugh, nearly falling onto Kiki as she tried to contain herself. Tasha’s face went bright red, and she looked away from Liam.

Liam looked to Kiki, who grinned, “Ok, I’ve gotta hear this, now.”

“Ugh,” Tasha said, covering her face with her hands, “It sounds so much worse out of context.”

“She grabbed his cock,” Sara said, still laughing.

Liam blinked, looking down at Tasha, Then to Kiki, then Sara, “And you’re not mad about that?”

Sara smiled, “I got her back for it. Come on, Tash, spill.”

“Ugh, fine.”

Liam looked down as Tasha took a deep breath, then blushed as his cock twitched against her. Deep breaths combined with Tasha’s low-cut tops were dangerous. Tasha’s eyes widened for a moment, but then she stuck her tongue out at him.

“I was dancing with Matt at the Halloween party,” she said, “I was trying to tease him and get him to loosen up, and when I felt him, I thought he’d stuffed a sock or something in his pants, so I grabbed it.”

“Aaand then she realized it was real,” Sara said.

Tasha swallowed, then nodded, “Yup.”

Her and Liam’s eyes both went wide as she brushed against his cock again.

Liam took Tasha by the shoulders and lifted her up out of his lap.

“Hey! Rude.”

Liam gave Tasha a flat look as she pouted at him.

“I don’t think your head should be that close to my dick. Especially when we’re Drunk.”

Tasha rolled her eyes, “But drink-me likes to snuggle. Just control your cock.”

Liam’s cheats grew hot, but he didn’t break his stare.

“You’re all hot, we’re talking about sex, and were drinking. How the fuck do you expect me to control my dick if your head is on top of it? Why don’t you cuddle with Sara or Kiki?”

Sara shook her head, “If she and I drink cuddle, we’ll start playing with each other’s tits.”

Tasha nodded, “It’s true. We both have great tits.”

Liam rolled his eyes, “What about Kiki?”

Then he realized the implication of what he’d said, and looked to his friend, “Sorry, I didn’t–“

Kiki cut him off with a flat look, “I’m not stupid, Liam. I know I don’t have tits.”

The girls all laughed at that. Thankfully, they didn’t make him get up so they could see it like Kelly had one time.

“Kiki has killer abs, too,” Tasha said, looking to Sara, “Have you seen her abs? Pull up her shirt.”

Sara reached for Kiki, who swatted her hand away, “Not–“

She cut off then, and her face went red.

Liam shot her a questioning glance, and Kiki looked away.

“Now now?” Sara asked, grinning.

“Or not while Liam’s here?” Tasha asked.

Kiki stuck her tongue out at Tasha, “Not while you’re here. And drink.”

She looked to Liam, “That’s why we can’t cuddle.”

Tasha rolled her eyes, “That was one time, and that was while things were still up in the air for me. I’m good now.”

Kiki narrowed her eyes, “I still say you have to cuddle with Liam. He has the most self-control out of all of us.”

Liam rolled his eyes as all of them nodded, “Ugh, fine. But no head in my lap. That’s just weird even if I don’t have a boss.”

“Because it would give you a boss?” Tasha asked, smiling.

Liam shot her a flat look, “I’m reconsidering.”

“No, wait!”

Tasha got off the bed, then took Liam’s hand and pulled him up. She grinned, then got back on her bed and leaned back against the pillow, spreading her legs,Then grinned at him and pulled him onto the bed. With a sight, trying to ignore just how…inviting that looked, or how often he’d wanted that to happen last year, Liam sat between Tasha’s legs. Before he could even try to get situationated, she pulled him back and rested his head against something soft and firm. Two things.

“You’re ridiculous,” he surprised.

Tasha laughed and hugged him against her for a moment before moving her hands to his hair, “I’ve gotta fuck with you somehow.”

Liam swallowed, ignoring just how good Tasha’s fingers felt in his hair.

“So, is this all just to fuck with me?” he asked, “Or are you actually going to help me with Blake?”

“Ah! Rude,” Tasha gasped, “Of course we’re going to help you. You’re awesome and wonderful and since we caught feelings and are fucking other boys, we have to make sure you’re having awesome sex somehow.”

Kiki and Sara laughed, and Liam looked to Kiki. She caught his gaze and cocked her head.

“You’ve got feelings for other boys?” he asked.

Her face went red again, “I thought you wanted to talk about you and Blake.”

Liam told. He’d ask about that later.

“Ooo, wait!” Sara said, “I’ve gotta know. What’s with the wigs?”

Liam blinked, looking to the blonde, “Huh?”

Sara raised an eyebrow, “When we saw Blake at Your concert, she was wearing a brunette wig. It looked great, but I wore wigs a few times in high school. I can tell.”

“It’s a wig,” Tasha said before Liam could, still running her fingers through Liam’s hair, “I don’t know why she wears them, though. Her hair is fucking gorgeous. Bright, deep blue.”

Sara’s eyes went wide, “Ooo. Fuck, I wanna see. Why does she hide it?”

Liam thought for a moment. He assumed his friends would find out eventually–he knew Tasha liked porn, at least. It still wasn’t his secret to tell at the moment, though.

“Blake doesn’t like attention,” he said, “She likes having her hair blue, but doesn’t like people looking at her and staring and stuff. She wears a lot of beanies and sweats to class.”

“And she still looks fucking hot in them,” Tasha said. She stopped playing with Liam’s hair and hugged him to her again, then let her arms just rest on his shoulders.

“So, what did you want to ask about?” Sara said, “We know you two are a bit adventure, and Tasha mentioned some choking and spanking?”

“Were you doing the spanking?” Tasha asked, “Or the one being spanked?”

Liam blushed, “Doing the spanking.”

Tasha sent, “Ugh, of course.”

Liam tilted his head back, “What?”

Tasha looked down at him and let out an exaggerated sight, “I was just hoping I’d get to teach Blake how to tie you up and tease the fuck out of you.”

Then she smiled, “Plus, tiny dommes are always hot.”

Liam swallowed, face growing even hotter.

Kiki grinned, leaning forward, “Wait, does she do that?”

Liam blamed the alcohol for his response, “Not yet. I don’t think it’s entirely out of the question, though.”

Tasha hugged him tight as the other two giggled, “Ah! Okay, I like Blake even more now.”

Liam rolled his eyes, but smiled, “I wanted help with the opposite, though. She wants me to be more rough with her.”

Sara leaned in, “So was the choking just a suggestion? Or…?”

Liam shook his head and the girls gasped.

“Was it weird?” Kiki asked.

Liam shrugged, “Kind of? She’s had me put my hand around her neck before, but this was the first time she said ‘choke me.’ I still didn’t really press down too hard or anything, but she seemed to like it.”

Sara grinned, “Was it hot?”

Face on fire, Liam nodded. The girls erupted into giggles.

Tasha squeezed him, “That’s so sweet.”

Liam tilted his head back, looking up at her.

Wow, those are soft.


Tasha rolled her eyes, “Ugh, you don’t know anything about BDSM, do you?”

“You do?” Kiki asked, eyes wide.

Liam had almost asked the same thing, but then he remembered certain comments and jokes Tasha had made since he’d known her.

Liam let his head sink a bit more against Tasha’s chest, “Of course, you do.”

Sara cached from beside Kiki, then pouted at Tasha as Liam looked over at her, “And you still haven’t dressed up in any sexy domme get-ups for me.”

Tasha raised an eyebrow, “That’s because you’re not my sub.”

Liam’s cock started to get hard again. It hadn’t gone down that much, but it hadn’t been completely hard for a bit, at least.

“Why is it sweet?” Liam asked again, trying to get things back on topic.


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