XLV: Collar
Lexi, Blake, Marie, and Liam
“Oh, fuck, Lexi.”
Lexi grinned at Marie’s breathless gasp, nipping at the blonde’s neck again before brushing her lips over that spot that really got Marie going.
“Are you a little worked up, slut?”
She couldn’t help but laugh at Marie’s whimper as the blonde squirmed beneath her. Lexi had Marie pinned, holding her wrists together over her head, putting her completely at Lexi’s mercy. Both of them were naked, and Marie’s flat, toned stomach felt wonderful against her cock as the blonde wriggled around, trying to tease Lexi back.
“You teased me all week,” Marie breathed, “and I never even got to cum. I–“
Lexi leaned down, cutting her off with a firm, slow kiss that left Marie dazed.
“You’re such a good slut for controlling yourself like that.”
“But you said I would get a reward.”
Lexi took a deep breath, cock twitching between her and Marie at the waythe blonde while, practically becoming for her touch.
“You will, slut. But you get it when I decide to give it to you. That’s what being my slut means.”
Lexi pulled back enough to meet Marie’s gaze and found the blonde biting her lip. After a moment of holding her gaze, Marie nodded, “I understand. It’s just…”
Marie trailed off and glanced between them, then back to Lexi. Her cheeks colored, “Hard.”
Lexi snorted, “I know, but it’s worth it, right?”
Marie nodded, smiling, “Definitely.”
No time like the present.
Lexi glanced to her nightstand, eyes fixing on the top drawer.
Are we really ready for this? Am I?
She took a deep breath.
If I don’t do it now, I never will.
Lexi leaned down again, kissing Marie in a way that made her cock pulse and Marie whimper as she pulled away.
“You’ve been a really good slut for me, Marie,” Lexi said, swinging a leg over the blonde so she could step off the bed,”Dispite the rocky start, I’m really glad we found each other.”
“Me, too, Lexi.”
The certainty in Marie’s voice brought a smile to Lexi’s face, making her decision so much easier.
Still, she hesitated when she grabbed the handle of her nightstand’s top drawer, hand shaking for a moment. After another deep breath to steel her nerves, Lexi opened the drawer and fished out what was inside.
She held it out to Marie, trying to keep her hand from quivering. It was a thin black choker with a silver, stylized “L” holding it together.
“I want…more,” she forced out, making herself meet Marie’s wide-eyed gaze, “You’re amazing, and I want to see where this goes, but…I need this,” she gestured with the choker–the collar, “to feel secure and comfortable before I can be Any more intimate with you. With anyone, I mean, but…right now, just you.”
Marie blinked, eyes still wide as saucers as she glanced back and forth between Lexi and the collar.
“Will you accept it?”
Blake sent the text to Liam as soon as she stepped in the elevator.
“On my way up. Meet me in the hall.”
She squirmed, impatient as she waited for his reply. Or the next floor. Whichever one came first.
The vibrator still buzzed between her folds. Most other girl’s probably would have been numb or Oversensitive to it by now, but Blake had the gift–or curse–of experience via some very long start-stop streams that had left her pussy tingling the following day.
Originally, she had planned on taking out the vibrator when she stopped at home before coming over to Liam’s. She was going to shower and make herself look all nice and wonderful, maybe even get in a quick yoga session and a bit of work before all that.
Instead, she’d headed straight for Liam’s after class. It was Friday. She had the whole weekend to get shit done. She needed Liam, now.
It doesn’t even need to be his cock. Even just hishands.
She just needed to be touching him.
His cock would be nice, though. That big, thick, veiny cock stretching out my throat or my pussy, making me cum so fucking hard–
The elevator dinged as it stopped on Liam’s floor, snapping Blake out of her fantasy. She realized she’d been rubbing her legs together, and was very glad that she’d been the only one on the elevator.
Taking a deep breath, Blake stepped out into the hall and practically ran the short distance towards Liam’s room. He stepped out into the hall before she’d passed the first room.
Why is he so fucking hot? It’s not fair. Stupid hair and eyes and muscles and tallness.
She loved all of it, all of him, but she wasn’t touching him, which made him Stupid.
Liam smiled as he met her gaze, only to blink as she grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and pulled him down to kiss her, slipping her tongue between his lips and kissing him until she made him moan.
When she let him go, lowering her hands to let him straighten, but still holding onto him, she glared at him, “Is this your not so subtle way of telling me you want to fuck me tonight?”
Liam raised an eyebrow, “You realize you’re the one that kissed me, right? I don’t think that’s going to work unless you want to go in the shower again. Swar’s home tonight and Eli is on his way back, I think.”
Blake groaned, and remembered at the last moment to keep her voice down.
“Then why do you still have the vibrator going?” she hissed.
Liam frowned, then his eyes went wide and he shoved a hand in his pocket. A moment later, the vibrator stopped. The sudden absence of sensing shocked back, and she sagged against Liam, legs turning to jelly.
“Fuck,” she breathed, face against his abs, “Warn me next time, please?”
“Sorry,” Liam said, helping her straighten again. She didn’t let go of him.
“Shit, I’m really sorry, Blake. I thought it would turn off when youwere out of range.”
She Shook her head against him, “This one has a pretty decent range, and we had class across the street instead of at opposite ends of campus.”
“Fuck,” Liam breathed, “So it’s just been–“
“Yup,” Blake confirmed, “All fucking day.”
“Is that safe?”
Blake Shook her head, “Nope. Turns your already sex-crazed girlfriend into a sex monster who needs your cock inside her.”
“Shit. Blake, I’m–“
She looked up and tugged at his shirt, cutting him off.
“Liam,” she breathed, putting all her effort into not shouting, “I don’t think you understand. I need to fuck you. Now.”
Marie gazed between Lexi and the choker, the collar–she knew that’s What it really was–dumbfounded. She’d known this would be coming, but at the same time she had not expected it at all.
But I hoped for it.
Lexi blinked in surprise. So did Marie. She didn’t realize what she’d said untilthe word was out of her mouth.
“Why?” Lexi repeated.
It didn’t seem like the right thing to say. Marie searched for something else, but instead ended up nodding.
“You want me to accept a collar,” Marie said, surprisingly confident, “You say you need to have things be like this for you to go any farther with me. I want to know why you feel that way.”
Lexi gazed at her, lips slightly parted, and for a moment, Marie worried she’d ruined everything.
Then Lexi surprised, “I guess you deserve that much. I know more about your past than you know about mine, after all.”
She sat down on the edge of the bed, still holding the collar, and patted the space next to her. Marie smiled and crawled forward, kneeling next to her. She kissed Lexi on the cheek before leaning against her and meeting her gaze.
Recent, Lexi hesitated, then took a deep breath, staring past her knees.
“I…haven’t had the best experiences with relationships,” she said, “Romantic, one-night-stands, fuck-buddies–they all end up shitty. Kendra and Helen and two other friends from back home I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet are my best friends in the world, but also kind of my only friends. A lot of people have a problem with what I am. Some just don’t understand or don’t believe it’s ‘right’, whatever that is supposed to mean.”
Marie blinked at the raw edge to Lexi’s voice, and wrapped her fingers around Lexi’s wrist. Warmth spread through her when she saw the taller girl’s lips twitch into a smile for a moment. Then her expression sobered.
“Other people attacked me, either with their words, or physically, so I learned how to protect myself and made sure I was strong.”
She took another deep breath, then met Marie’s gaze.
“If some Drunk idiots have a problem with me, I can usually beat the shit out of them without too much trouble, and I’ve grown a pretty thick skin to deal with all the slurs people throw at me when they find out or even suspect what I am. Thankfully, this town and this school are pretty open in that respect. Still, that’s why I was up front with you when we met. I didn’t want you to think I was leading you on, and I don’t like hiding any part of me.”
She looked down again and was silent for a while before speaking again. She took a deep breath, first.
“The harder part of protecting myself comes with people who like me a bit too much. Some people–men and women–just see me as a way to live out some fantasy or satisfied a fetish. Some people want to know way more than they have a right to–right off the bat, at least–and others only want me if I can assure them that some day I’ll go ‘all the way’ with my transition.”
Marie frowned, “You mean–?”
Lexi nodded, “I’ve had girls who wouldn’t sleep with me or wouldn’t go down on me or let me fuck them, but said they would once I had a vagina. Same thing with guys. Some of them even said they would ‘tolerate’ it for a while. Even some othertrans people were assholes about it. None of them seemed to understand that I like being a girl with a dick. I like wearing dresses and tight jeans and yoga pants and wearing make-up and having long hair and being feminine as fuck, but I also like being strong and muscle and no matter how dynamic I’ve felt, I’ve never once wanted to get rid of my dick.”
Marie’s throat tightened up at the raw edge to Lexi’s voice. She glanced down at the collar, and it made sense. She’d never seen the taller girl this vulnerable before. The idea that other people would treat Lexi that way…
“Marie, you’re hurting me.”
Marie blinked, then glanced down at the hand she’d taken Lexi’s wrist with to find her knuckles white.
“Shit,” she breathed, yanking her hand away, “Sorry, I was just…angry, I guess.”
Lexi frowned, “Angry?”
“That anyone would be that horrible to you.”
She placed a hand on Lexi’s shoulder this time, “You know I don’t feel that way, right?”
Lexi smiled and placed a hand over Marie’s nodding, “I know.”
“But you still need to…protect yourself.”
Lexi nodded, expression falling a bit, “It’s not–“
“I get it.”
Lexi blinked, “You do?”
Mare nodded, “People can be real assholes. You’ve only known me for a month-ish, and I was kind of a mess when you met me. Still am.”
Lexi snorted at that, “You’ve gotten better.”
Marie stuck her tongue out, “Thanks.”
Lexi looked down at the collar, “I kind of broke my own rules with this, already.”
“What do you mean?”
“Protecting myself. I’m not doing so great of a job at it with you so far. I’ve already let myself like you way too much, and I let myself…feel around you more than I normally do, and you just…” She shrugged, cheats turning red, “You make me happy.”
Marie smiled at that, “Really?”
Lexi looked down, but Marie saw the smile tugging at her lips, “Shut up. Anyway, I know it’s a big decision. Askingyou like I did probably wasn’t the best idea, so you can have some time to decide. I want to make sure I’ve earned your submission.”
Marie blinked at that, “That’s a thing?”
Lexi nodded, “Real relationships like this–what they’re supposed to be, anyway–aren’t just one person taking control and the other submitting because they were lucky enough to find someone to guide them, or some sort of weird ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ dynamic.”
She held up the collar and it’s “L” pendant.
“This is a sign of the trust between us–not your submission to me, not my control over you–even if only the two of us know it. Sometimes I’ll be the ‘strong’ one in the relationship, but other time’s I’ll need you to be strong for me.”
Marie nodded, taking a moment to digest all of that. She kept her hand on Lexi’s shoulder, and smiled at the way Lexi leaned into her touch.
“I think you have earned it,” she said after a while, looking back at Lexi. She found the taller girl smileg, eyes shining, “Really?”
Marie nodded, “I just have one question. Kind of a personal one.”
“I think I can do that.”
Marie’s stomach grow tight, but she forced her way through it.
“Why do you want me even though I’m such a fucking mess?”
Liam swallowed as he gazed down at Blake, boxer briefs quickly growing uncomfortable tight. Her slightly hazy blue eyes blazed in a way he had come to regard with anticipation. The destination in her voice and the way she was touching him and grabbing at him only added to that.
The only problem was…
“Shit,” he breathed, “I mean–we can go in the shower if you want to, but–“
Blake Shook her head, “The way I want to fuck you, we’d slip and fall and end up in the hospital.”
Liam’s eyes widened, and he knew that his sweats probably showed the outline of his bulge by this point.
“I can’t kick Swar and Eli out,” he said, “But…”
Can I really do it?
His friends had joked about it, and a few of the people in his music classes had not so jokingly mentioned it, but…
I don’t break the rules like that.
He already had though, with Marie.
Liam told.
If I could do that for her, I can do way more for Blake.
“Okay, I have an idea,” he said, meeting Blake’s gaze, “But I’ll Need my laptop for it. Give me just a second.”
Blake smiled in a very predatory manner, exciting Liam and scaring him a bit, and nodded, “Just hurry.”
Liam dashed inside and throw his laptop and its charger into his bag before shouldering it and waving bye to Swar as he stepped back out into the hallway.
“Where are we going?” Blake asked as he took her hand and pulled her down the hall away from the elevator.
“Practice room in the basement,” he said.
He could practically feel Blake’s excitement as she quickly her step to walk beside him.
They hadn’t made it two rooms before one of the doors opened and Kiki stepped out, looking down at her phone.
She glanced up, looking confused for a moment, then smiled, “Hey, Liam. Hey–“
Liam’s face burst into flames as he saw Kiki’s eyes go from his face, to Blake’s to his sweats, and he quicklyned his step, “Hey, Kiki. Can’t talk now–talk to you later.”
“Hi, Kiki!” Blake said. He groaned at the smugness in her voice and all-but-ran towards the stairwell.
Lexi gazed at Marie, heart tight at the pained vulnerability in her voice and her eyes. She squeezed Marie’s hand.
“You’re fun, and pretty open with me, at least,” she said, smiling, “and the sex is amazing, but other than that…”
Lexi shrugged, taking a deep breath, “You’re someone I can relate to. You told me what you needed–I want to be that for you. It’s not that I want to change you or anything, but–“
She looked down, biting her lip as she thought for a moment.
How do I say this without shovinga giant boot in my mouth?
“When I was trying to figure out who I was, what I liked, what I needed, I didn’t have anyone there who I could trust to just be what I needed and call me out if I was being an idiot.”
She smiled at Marie, hoping that didn’t sound stupid.
Marie cracked a half-smile, “So basically, you’re telling me you want to be with me so you can call me an idiot.”
Lexi stuck her tongue out at Marie, which earned her some laughter from the blonde, making her feel just a bit warmer.
“You know what I mean,” she said, “You think you’re a mess, but everyone’s a fucking mess. I’m confident, but that’s from years of practice, and before that, bullshiting to everyone around me so they wouldn’t know how much of a shit show I was.
Lexi took both Marie’s hands in hers, “An important part of being a domme–one I wish I’d known about earlier–is what I said earlier. It’s my job to make sure you’re okay–to be someone you can hold onto when you’rehaving a hard time.”
Marie nodded, holding her gaze, “And sometimes, it will be my job to do that for you.”
Lexi nodded, “So you’ll have to learn how to be less of a mess if I need that from you. If I can do that, though, I don’t think you’ll have a problem.”
Marie smiled at her, then nodded, “Okay.”
The blonde nodded again, her smile broadening, “Okay. If you’ll have me, I’d like to be your sub.”
She reached down and pressed a finger against the “L” pendant, “I think I’d really like wearing this around my throat all day.”
Lexi smiled as her heart swelled, a wonderful warmth spreading through her entire body and making her fingers and toes tingle, “Really?”
Lexi knew she was grinning like an idiot, but she didn’t care. She was too happy.
“Turn around,” she said, trying to keep the sniffle from her words as her eyes grow hot.
Marie did as she was told, pulling her hair aside to give Lexi access to her neck. Lexi gazed at the smooth skin for a moment, raising the collar. Then she wrapped her arms around Marie, holding her close and kissing her neck.
“You won’t regret this,” Lexi breathed against Marie’s neck, “I promise.”
“Me, too.”
Taking a deep breath, Lexi raised the collar to Marie’s throat. The blonde held it there by the pendant as Lexi secured it around her neck. When she finished the knot, she found it hard to take her fingers from Marie’s skin.
“How does that feel?” Lexi asked, “Is it too tight?”
Marie shook her head, letting her hair fall over Lexi’s fingers, “No. It’s perfect.”
Lexi smiled.
“Is there anything I should call you?” Marie asked, “Now that–” she took Lexi’s hand and brought it to her throat. Lexi gasped at the contrast of Marie’s warm skin and the cool silver under her fingertips, “Now that I have this?”
Lexi lightly encircled Marie’s throat with her fingers, earning a gasp and a shiver from the blonde. Her cock was like a steel rod between them.
“Just ‘Lexi’,” she said, “I like hearing the name I chose. I want you, however, to answer to ‘slut’ or ‘pet’, understanding?”
Marie shivered, and Lexi found herself fascinated as she watched the wave of goosebumps travel down Marie’s supplement body.
“Yes, Lexi,” she breathed, “Can–can I kiss you?”
With something between a growl and a moan, Lexi pushed Marie down onto the bed and straddled her, capturing the blonde’s lips and threading her fingers through her hair. Marie responded instantly, deepening the kiss and wrapping her arms and legs around Lexi, grinding her hips in ways that made Lexi’s mind grow hazy with arousal.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Lexi breathed between kisses, “Teasing little slut.”
Marie gasped, shivering, “Not fair. You know what that does to me.”
Lexi grinned, pulling back just enough to meet the blonde’s glassy green eyes, “You know you love it.”
Marie’s eyes flashed as she grinned, “I do.”
Lexi didn’t know if she did it on purpose, but the blonde’s hand rose to her neck where she fingered the pendant of her new collar. Seeing that set something off in Lexi. She needed to be inside Marie now.
She leaned down and nipped at Marie’s earlierobe, “Do you want me to tease you even more, slut? Or do you want me to finally fuck you and give you that orgasm you’ve waited a week for?”
Marie shivered as she moaned, “Fuck. No teasing. Definitely no more teasing.”
“Then beg for it.”
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