If you haven’t read my first story on here, The Camgirl, go check out my profile and read it. This chapter contains milk spoilers for that story, and though you can probably read up to Chapter 12 of this story before you spoil too much for that one, I recommend reading it first for the best experience!
For those of you who have read The Camgirl, 1) You’re awesome for reading all the way here, I hope you continue to enjoy it! 2) The Camgirl is just the first arc of the overall story. I thought about waiting until that was done to publish this, but thought you might like switching back and forth to see what Marie has been up to. This chapter takes place the night before “Chapter 58: Not Enough? Or Too Much?” I hope you enjoy it! <3 I hope you enjoy it! <3
IV: Desperate
Marie stood on the sidewalk, dumbfounded as she gazed at the door to Lexi’s building. She didn’t know how long it took before the cold got to her and a shiver shook her out of her daze. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to warm up a bit.
What the fuck just even happened?
So, Lexi was trans. Or a girl with a dick, or however she wanted to put it. That wasn’t a big deal, right?
I still want to see her.
A part of her even wanted to go up After Lexi, but…
Am I just drink and horny?
Dispite how far she’d gone with each, especially Liam, Marie had only had sex with two guys. As for Alice and Leah, she didn’t know what the line for girls was between sex and just fooling around–
Yes, you do. It’s what you did with Blake.
“Fuck,” Marie surprised, running a hand Through her hair.
What am I even doing?
She wrapped her arms around herself again, though not just because of the cold, this time.
I met Lexi a week ago and I barely fucking know her. She’s cool, but…wasn’t I trying to do what Liam said and look for something more than just sex?
Marie blinked, realizing she’d taken her phone out. It was open to her conversation with Liam.
Is it still a conversation if it’s this one-sided?
She’d sent him enough unanswered messages that there weren’t even any from him on the screen unless she scrolled back.
Marie wiped at her eyes as she looked at that screen. There were no tears, but her eyes were hot.
I don’t even want to ask him to take me back anymore.
She just wanted someone to talk to. Someone familiar who could hold her and distract her from these stupid feelings and questions.
Biting her lip, Marie looked towards Lexi’s building again.
Going up there wouldn’t only mean sex, right? We could just make out and talk more and spend the night together?
The problem was, Marie wasn’t sure she would be able to control herself if she went up there.
Is that the alcohol? Hormones?Or am I just so fucking desperate that I can’t even hold to any restrictions I set for myself?
Marie looked back down at her phone but tapped away from her conversation with Liam. She almost closed down the messages app, but then saw Kylie’s name down near the bottom of the page. She hadn’t spoken with the brunette since shortly after their hookup the week before.
Her thumb hovered over the conversation.
Is this crossing a line with Lexi if I do this? I like her, but we’re not dating or anything, right?
Marie hesitated, then tapped Kylie’s name and started texting her. She needed to stop thinking so much tonight. Going home and trying to sleep would probably just make that worse.
“Hey, any chance you’re free tonight?”
Marie waited for a moment after she sent the text, watching to see if any bubbles appeared. When none did, she started back towards her apartment. A part of her wanted to just walk over to Kylie’s place but knew that would definitely seems too clingy for the brunette.
Her phone buzzed a few minutes later, and Marie’s face lit up as she saw Kylie’s name on the banner.
“Hey, I can be. Not around my place at the moment, though. I’m over hanging out with a friend.”
Marie stopped at that last part. Did that means she’d just finished hooking up with someone?
Do I care?
Marie decided she didn’t.
“Where are you? I can try to meet you halfway.”
“Over by Kenmore.”
Marie blinked.
“That’s actually not too far from me. On my way home, actually.”
“Awesome. Want to meet me at the Blanford stop? Text me when you’re almost there?”
Marie grinned and started walking again.
“That works.”
She almost put her phone down, speeding up her pace a bit. Then it buzzed again.
“How far out do you think you are?”
Marie thought for a moment.
“From Kenmore? Maybe 10-15 minutes.”
“Perfect. Out at a party or something?”
Marie surprised. She typed out and deleted her response three times before setting on one.
“Yeah, didn’t exactly have as much fun as I planned.”
“Been there. Should I be flattered or insulted?”
Marie’s cheats grew hot. Then she thought back to her night with the brunette, and an idea popped into her head. She typed out the message but didn’t send it right away.
Fuck it.
She sent it.
“Will you be rough like last time if it’s an insult?”
“Rougher ;)”
Marie’s pussy clinched, her entire body tingling as she read Kylie’s reply. She sent one last text.
“Text you When I’m close. Might be a bit quicker than I said.”
Then she took off toward Kenmore, struggling not to run all the way there.
Marie fumbled with the door to her room, somehow managing to open the handle and bump the door open without breaking her kiss with Kylie. Her body was on fire, pussy throbbing with need. Every second Kylie’s lips were on hers, Marie grew more desperate.
Kylie backed Marie through the room until they bumped against the edge of the bed, kiss finally breaking. Marie met Kylie’s gaze long enough to see the brunette grin before the taller girl pushed her back onto the bed. They’d both run into separate restrooms upon arrival–one of the Many times Marie had been thankful for the three-bedroom, two-bath apartment–and Marie had touched up her make-up and cleaned herself of all the sweat from being at the party and walking home. She’d also made sure she was clean in…other places.
Just in case.
She imagined Kylie had done the same.
How does she always look so fucking hot?
“Any chance you’ve got Some toys?” Kylie asked, climbing onto the bed and looming over Marie before leaning down to kiss her.
“Some,” Marie gasped between desperate kisses, suddenly nervous, “But no strap-on.”
Fuck, I hope that’s not a deal-breaker.
Kylie nipped at Marie’s bottom lip, “I can work with that. Where do you keep ’em?”
“Bottom drawer,” Marie said, gesturing vaguely in the direction of her nightstand. She let out a relieved breath as the brunette pushed herself up and walked over to the nightstand.
Twenty-minute walk home and I Don’t think of that until now? Why am I such a fucking idiot tonight?
“Okay. This, I can work with.”
The brunette’s smug, eager tone helped her shake the self-deprecating thoughts from her head. Marie pushed herself up on her elbows, glancing over at Kylie as the taller girl turned back around, hands hidden behind her.
“Of course, I can still make you scream like a good little slut even without toys.” She met Marie’s gaze, expression sobering a bit, “If you want to be my slut again, that is.”
Marie grinned, nodding.
Kylie arched a brown eyebrow, “You need to ask, remember? Or tell me what you want.”
Marie’s face lit up as she said the words in her head, biting her lip.
“I want to be your slut,” she said, somehow keeping her words breathy rather than spitting them out too fast to understand.
Kylie grinned, “Good slut.”
Then Marie thought of something else. Her face felt like it might burst into flames.
“You have more you want to say?” Kylie said, stepping closer.
Marie nodded. She had to take a deep breath before she could manage to force the words out.
“I want you to be rough with me. Rough with your slut.”
Kylie’s face was somewhere halfway between beaming and predatory, and it made Marie’s pussy throb.
Fuck, I need her to touch me.
She blinked.
I just said I wanted to be her slut, I can’t tell her I want her to touch me?
“I want you to touch me,” she said, eyes locked on Kylie’s green ones, “I need it, please.”
Kylie’s grin widened, “Fuck, this is going to be fun.”
Kylie’s grin widened, “Fuck, this is going to be fun.”
>She moved onto the bed, on her knees, hands still behind her back, “I noticed you have a pretty big dildo.”
She brought they toy in question out from behind her back, and Marie bit back a sight of relief. It wasn’t the one she’d used to practice on for Liam.
“And I also noticed this.”
Kylie revealed what she held in her other hand. The butt plug Marie had destroyed out a few times.
“Either one look appealing?”
Marie looked between two toys, then met Kylie’s eyes again.
“I want you to touch me first,” she said, “We can use the toys later.”
Kylie giggled, dropping the toys and crawling over to Marie, “I know tonight was going to be fun when I saw your name pop up.”
Then Kylie’s lips were on hers. It took seconds for the brunette to start tugging at Marie’s clothing. Marie did the same to Kylie, hesitant at first, but when the taller girl didn’t stop her, Marie nearly tore off some items.
Before long, both were completely naked, griping atEach other’s curves. Marie didn’t know whose skin felt hotter.
At some point, Kylie maneuvered them so they were both entirely on the bed, Marie’s head just short of reaching her pillows.
“You remember how to eat my pussy, slut?” she asked.
Kylie grinned, “Good. I want you to eat my pussy while I play with yours.”
Before Marie could fully register that, she found her head between Kylie’s incredible thighs, glistening wet pussy inches from her face.
Marie just gazed at it for a moment. Then she shuddered as Kylie gripped her thighs.
“I told you what to do, slut. I’m not touching that soaking pussy until I feel your tongue on–oh!”
Marie didn’t waste any time. She needed to be touched.
Kylie’s scent and taste filled Marie’s head, adding to the fog of arousal that had been building since she’d made out with Lexi earlier tonight.
Marie shoved thoughts of the other girl away. She could worry about that later.
Tonight, I’m Kylie’s slut. That’s all I need to be.
Marie moaned as Kylie’s fingers slide over her slick, desperate lips.
The brunette didn’t slip a finger between Marie’s lips, didn’t go near her clip, and barely put any pressure on Marie’s folds, but fuck, it feel incredible!
Marie redoubled her efforts on Kylie’s pussy, sticking her tongue as deep between the taller girl’s folds as she could, using the entire bottom half of her face to press against the sensitive flesh.
“Mmm,” The brunette moaned, grinding her pussy down against Marie’s face, “You do remember. Good slut.”
Kylie dipped a slender finger between Marie’s lips, and Marie almost lost it.
Her hips bucked as she moaned into Kylie’s pussy. In response, the brunette’s thighs tightened around Marie’s head, sending a thrill through her. Marie reached around Kylie’s hips to grap those incredible thighs. Her hands fingers brushed against firmer, rounder flesh, however, and Marie suddenly realized where she was.
Oh fuck, her ass.
Marie’s hands didn’t know what to do. Kylie’s thighs looked so incredible, but–
Her ass is so fucking nice.
Mare decided for one hand on each. She ran her hands over the smooth skin as she ate Kylie’s pussy, feeling the hard muscle beneath. Every time Marie felt Kylie flex, it sent a shot of pure lust through her, heightening the brunette’s attentions on Marie’s pussy.
She’s fucking teasing me.
Marie didn’t stop eating her out though. Even the excitingly slow motions of Kylie’s single digit within Marie’s folds felt incredible to her desperate pussy. Her orgasm still lay far off in the distance, however.
Marie whimpered when Kylie withdraw her finger, then giggled at Marie’s distress. Marie just attacked Kylie’s pussy with even more desperation, putting pressure on the girl’s clip with her chin, sucking on her lips.
Fuck, I’m just encouraging her to tease me, aren’t I?
She couldn’t make herself stop, though.
Two fingers pressed against her lips and sparks of pleasure warmed her hips. A low moan ripped from Marie’s throat as Kylie pressed down with both fingers, penetrating her folds, then curling the digits to press down on the sensitive knot of nerves just inside.
“Good slut,” Kylie cached, massaging that same spot and sending spikes of pleasure through Marie.
Kylie’s thighs tightened around Marie’s head, and Marie realized that she’d dug her nails into Kylie’s flesh. Somehow, she managed to loosen her grip as Kylie continued to finger her. Such brief, simple touches threatened to overload Marie’s brain after being teased and denied release for so long. Lust permeated Marie’s mind like a fog, dulling everything other than the sensings from Kylie’s wonderful fingers.
Marie grunted in surprise as Kylie’s pussy pressed against her face independently.
Fuck, I forgot about her.
Marie went back to licking the other girl’s pussy. It took all her remaining mental faculties do concentrated on doing something that would actually feel good for Kylie. Doing so got harder and harder the more Kylie played with her. The brunette let the palm of her hand brush against Marie’s clip every now and then. Each time, the little neglected nub grow more and more desperate for attention.
At some point, Marie’s eyes fluttered open, focusing on untouched hole directly before it. An idea somehow formed in her lust-addled head, and Marie gripped Kylie’s ass with both hands.
Fuck, her ass is incredible.
She spread the brunette’s cheats and inched her thumbs closer as she continued to eat Kylie’s pussy. Once her fingers were close enough and Kylie hadn’t flinched away, Marie gave Kylie’s pussy a long, slow lick with the flat of her tongue, continuing all the way up past the bottom of the brunette’s pussy until hertongue glided over pumped flesh.
Kylie moaned, stiffening for a moment. Her fingers pressed hard against Marie’s G-spot, coaxing a low moan from her throat as her vision went white for a moment. Then Kylie’s fingers became more independent, massaging that same spot even as the taller girl pressed her ass down against Marie’s face.
That was all the encouragement Marie needed.
Eating ass was definitely different than eating pussy, but Marie found she liked it. The flavor was a bit more musky than pussy, but not unappealing. Marie found she liked the way that the tight ring of muscles didn’t immediately give under her tongue the way pussy lips did.
Marie grew so lost in the new experience, that she only rarely registered her impending orgasm, gripping Kylie’s firm ass tighter as she grew more desperate, her head fogging up even further.
When she finally came, the wave of pleasure slammed into Marie. She forget how to breath for a moment, dripping back to the bed even as her hands clung to Kylie’s ass for dear life.
Kylie didn’t let up though. She ground her pussy against Marie’s face, tights tightening to hold Marie down along with a firm, strong hand on her pelvis as Kylie continued to finger her. She was as rough as Marie had hoped, yet Marie hadn’t imagined that this would be the result.
A second orgasm crashed over Marie. Or Maybe it was still her first. Her heart pounded; every inch of her body tingled.
Kylie kept going.
Eventually the sensings were just too much.
“Stop,” Marie gasped, barely managing to force the word out. Not all of her wanted Kylie to do as she asked. A part of her wanted to see how far this could go. That part scared Marie a bit.
“Stop,” she pleaded, a bit more forcefully, “I can’t–too much.”
Marie gasped as Kylie’s fingers left her pussy. The pleasure didn’t stop, though. Marie trembled as aftershocks coursed through her body.
Then Kylie was beside her, embracing her. The brunette pulled Marie against her soft, pillow-y chest. One hand stroked her hair, while the other traced shapes over her back, fingers just barely touching the skin. The motions ticked Marie a few times, giggles slipping out as she twitched, still shaking from the last ripples of that overwhelming pleasure.
When Marie’s heart slowed and the tingling subsided, she looked up.
Emerald eyes, warm with desire gazed down at her.
“What–” Marie began, then paused at the thickness in her voice, “What are you doing?”
She giggled a bit at the end as the hand at her back ticckled her again, sending shivers down her spine.
Kylie smiled down at her, “You’ve never done something that intensified before, have you?”
Marie blinked a few times, then slowly shook her head, still a bit out of it.
Kylie just shook her head, still smiling, and ran her fingers through Marie’s hair again.
“That feels really nice,” Marie said.
She immediately blushed. She hadn’t meant to say that.
“Good,” Kylie said, “And it’s a good thing I’ve gotten better at this.”
“At what?”
Kylie shrugged, “Aftercare? What we just did take a lot out of your body, make you a little weird or emotional or needy. Sometimes you just need to–“
Marie cut Kylie off with a kiss.
A/N: How many of you are disappointed with Marie right now? How many of you wanted more between her and Kylie?
Also, Kylie is being a good domain–aftercare is a very important part of anything kinky, and honestly, of sex in general, whether casual or as part of a committed relationship.
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