This story was made at the time for my ex-
I love her very much and couldn’t have done this without her.
Ash! Hurry up! I have no time for you to sit around and rub yourself with makeup! It takes you hours! We need to hurry, do you not get this?! The place we are headed to is more important than your makeup!” The girl with light green – dyed hair yelled at me as my hands quickly trying to worry the pace. She always yells at me constantly and it’s tiring. Me and her have been friends since middle-school and grow up together but she has treated me like a slapping bag and pushed me around, she’s not very fair with me, I’ve tried to talk to her about how I feel but she throws my feelings away like I am garbage, it hurts to see a friend treatment you like that.
The spatial room filled as the lamp-light flickered as I finally finished my makeup and looked back seeing her pout and groan annoyed. She had a revealing see-through dress, that wrinkled at the bottoms as she twirled the ends of her dead-tipped hair waiting for me to leave. The place we are going to is a small bar near the corner of west-woods holly-vard, she begged me to go and is making me so I am going for her, I guess? My perfume smelled like roses, I fixed my jeans and my crop top that covered my breasts but showed my stomach. Tossing my brown hair to the side, I rub my lips together to fix my lipstick as my heels clicked on the wooden floor heading towards her way, singing. As she looks, she smells like cigarettes as she walks out as I follow, almost wanting to puke. The air hit my skin as it was breezy out as she went to her toyota car which she had for about three years.
Bars aren’t usually my go-to, I don’t usually go anywhere like this, only a few drinks for me and that’s all, but her, she loves getting drunk and sleeping around, I just stay away usually. She opened her car-door and got in while my hand grabbed the handle and opned and decided to sit beside her, she hummed and started her car hearing the engine scream. “Why do I have to go to a bar with you? – you force me to go to clubs with you, then you leave me to end up fucking a guy or a woman and never even talk to me until we have to go.” I asked as I heard her sight deeply. She has been trying to find a mistress or a master but all she’s doing is being a hooker and hurting people’s feelings, she cheated on like four guys and manipulates me and blackmails me just to still be friends with her, but, I don’t agree with what’s she’s doing to others, sometimes I’ll not be her friend anymore but at the moment, I’m like a scared kitten.
“Because you are my friend? Don’t be grouchy. Friends support each – other, they don’t act like fake friends.” She rudely Respons back. How dare she says that? That wasn’t even rude or making me look like a fake friend. Looking out the window as she drove, I just can’t wait till I can move out and can afford my own place so I don’t have to share with her, but my cashier job sucks, only pays me less when it should be high, it’s tiring, running around and standing there for hours and only getting twenty minute breaks, doesn’t feel to long, my legs once in a while and I become bored. Awakening this morning lifted me wide, leaving me wanting to go back to sleep, looking upwards at the hot sun reflection through the window, it offended my eyes as I quickly turned away not to face it. But the sun was going down and the clouds were going the opposite directions.
My voice made me sound disappointed, “I am not a fake friend Avalon. I was just asking you because you never hang out with me that much,” Pauling only to feel my skin boil almost-like before speaking again feeling as if I am used to the feeling, “You ignore My presence until we leave and you end up drunk! How can you find someone if your going off being a whore and fucking other people! You failed at your other dates because you decided to fuck someone else after the date secretly!” my eyes showed announcement but anger.
She lunged at me with her screamy squeaky voice sounding almost-broke, her eyes were full of hatred and not a love-friend way. Her scrapny body trickled as she hisses fakely at me as if she’s a wild animal out in the wilderness. Before a second glance, her hand pulled my hair causing me to drop down, nearly hitting my head on the handle-bar of the car as a whimper shot out my mouth. My eyes watered, my lips chapped as my heart-raced like a cheese running for miles quickly. Fear shot through my body, shown in my eyes as she looked at me before looking at the road not caring about what she just did. A friend would hurt me?
“You stupid- You know what?! We are here and I want you out of this car and YOU ARE NOT going back home with me! You are kicked out and your stuff is mine, goodbye to your makeup, clothes and accessories.” She coldly states and gets out of the car without another word. My eyes watered more, but instead I held my tears in and got out the car and went to the door, opening it and walking in the bar lowering my head knowing I’ll probably be homeless by the next hours if she leaves me behind, nothing to eat, nothing I can afford. Three dollars will go by fast.
How can anyone say that to their friend? A fake friend, she’s fake! She’s a fucking terrible human being and she thinks Everything is about her!
I wandered a bit, a nice retail establishment bar, perfect and clean. Serving whiskey, beer and other liquor evented. Women are seen in the background laughing and some drinking while their breasts popped out some more revealing the slutty forms. One pulled out a card desk and slammed it on the table only to make me jump quite a bit, turning away the smell of alcohol reaching my nose makes me gag a bit. Somewhat this is like a tipping house on the corner of the road. The band on the little – step on stage played casually as the person near me was talking to their friends, and an attractive bar staff made some drinks for the men and women who asked. As curious as I am, I found a handsome attractive boy at a table holding a whiskey in one of his hands and he looked like a dead-beat tired, but his short hair quiffed to the side; blondish but almost brownish from the roots. His hands gripped the glass designed sharp cup as he took a sip as his lips touched the glass. Another whimper came out my mouth feeling the pain on top of my head feeling warmness leak down, my hand moved slowly upwards to touch to see blood. When she lunged at me and made me hit my head hard on the handle.
I decided to walk off and sit at a booth beside him nervously; hoping he doesn’t mind it. The pain screamed forward; but I ignored it and just day-dreamed about the boy at the booth next to me, he wasn’t paying attention except staring at the table thinking to himself. Out of curiosity I wonder what’s in his mind since he’s just having eye-contact with anon-living furniture. He pressed his fingers on his tie, fixing and wiping his suit a bit as he turned and hearing him sight loudly. For some reason, he looks down and lonely. I wonder what he’s been through.
My voice stuttered as my throat filled with saliva, nearly choking from nervousness as I gulped, “H-hey there.” calling out for his attention as he hummed tapping his fingers against the table. He didn’t hear me, so I reached and tapped him, seeing him lift his head as his blue eyes sparkled while his expression was in confusion.
“Hello? What do you need?” He asked me as if he’s annoyed. His eyes were blood-shot nearly as his lips looked dry. He took another sip and waited for me but shy as I was, my head lowered as I faced the table myself, “If you’re not going to talk then don’t talk. Shy girl.” Before I could even look up, he was looking away from me as I sawed. That was cold of him to say, he has some attitude going on, just because I am shy doesn’t mean you haveto be that rude.
“You didn’t have to be mean about it, I just wanted to talk to you but fine I won’t talk to you if you’re gonna be cold towards me.” I sassingly replied while flipping my hair and turning away from him. He didn’t even care to even tap me or anything, rude ass. All the attractive guys are so disrespectful, it’s not fair one bit. As I sat here, he tapped my shoulder as I turned around to face him.
He apologizes,”I wasn’t trying too. I am not having a good day so far, sorry about that. But what’s up?” The boy looked at me for a moment.
“It’s fine. I just figured you wanted someone to talk to so I am here. My name is Ash by the way, how about you?” I introduced myself kindly. The band switched the song to Some romantic jazz music as the bartender walked around for a moment so he could hand drinks to the lazy people across the bar who didn’t want to get up.
“Nice to meet you Ash. My name is Destin, what brings you here to the bar? You look very innocent to be here anyway. Not to be rude though.” His soft voice raised through as he sipped his drink and coughts a slight bit.
I reply a little sadly, “My friend, well, a fake friend forced me here. I go here because of her usually but now she’s just kicking me out of her apartment and I have nowhere to go.” he looked at me worried as he touched my head as I winced in pain When his fingers went on my cut on my forehead.
He stroked me as he grabbed a rag from his pocket and wet it from his water-bottle near him which I never saw and wet my wound as a hiss and whimper came out my mouth, he started to hum softly as he was trying to help heal my cut away.
“Who did this to you?!” He yelled angrily but concerned. He doesn’t look very happy, he looks like he wants to fight someone.
“Fake friend.”
His hand rubbed as he put a bandage on the wound as I looked blushing at him knowing I look like a rose petal. My eyes focused on him, his beautiful slight smileappeared.
“There… It should heal in a couple of days,” He tells me as he looks at me, “But you can come home with me. You need a home, you don’t need to be stuck on the streets because of the rat.” I giggled, he called her a rat. He’s not wrong though.
I stuttered, “T-that’s intruding. I can’t go into your home like that. I don’t think I am good enough anyways.” looking down at my feet as he lifts my face with his hand and looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes, ocean like, I could drop in them and never look back.
He dominantly went forward with a masucline voice,
“Don’t ever doubt yourself like that again. You never will introduce on me and plus you’re not. And, you are good enough.. I wouldn’t lie to you.” his grin faded into a straight face as he calmly rubbed my cheek trying to ease me.
But I couldn’t help but blush, why am I blushing so much?!
“A-are you sure sir? I mean… I am just a stranger.” I stutter while he cups my face in his cold hands as he rubs the side of my jaw while looking closely in my eyes.
He replied strongly,
“I am sure Ash.”
As we both looked at each-other as then at the corner of my eye, there was Avalon. Her hair was poory and she looked like a mess, her mascara ran down her face as her eyes were still full of hatred, she snickered before I can look away,
“What the hell are you doing with This boy? I just said stand by my side and wait,” She scoffed and looked annoyed, she’s so demanding and controlling, “Not to flirt with this ugly dude. Come on Ash.” she got me pissed now. Just because he’s mad with me, she doesn’t insult others.
“No! You decided to kick me out and he’s not ugly Avalon. The only thing that’s ugly is your heart. You know I thought you were beautiful, pretty, but honestly, all the pretty girls are bitchy and you’re the bitchiest, manipulative bitch there is! Now leave!” I snapped at her. Destin stood there looking with a smile as if she deserved it, shedid.
She looks as if she’s offended, “didn’t you say I am starstruck and stunning? Didn’t you say I am the most beautiful girl and how much you flirted with me?” she raised an eyebrow as I rolled my eyes.
I grewl,
“That wasn’t flirting.. That’s a compliment. If I flirt with you, you will know easily.”
Destin looked away for Some odd reason and I could hear very low growls from him. Avalon laughed it off and crossed her arms together while moving her hair to the side and smiling as if she’s some sort of mistress.
“Ash you are really dumb. I mean, you know I am the most beautiful girl more than you could ever be. Why fight it when I am telling the truth?” She questions and fixes her lipstick. I frowned, I am insecure but all she is doing is making me feel worse than I already do. She knows how insecure and how doubtful I am about my looks.
My head tilted down as I heard a growl becomes louder, noticing Destin.
“Listen you singy ass bitch, you leave her alone. You are the ugly ass one, and also, take your fake high-heels and walmart brand dress and fuck off away from her because she’s prettier than you and any other girl!” Destin snapped at her growing as she gasped.
She moaned fakely, “Mmmm, insult me more..” I grew. She ain’t flirting with the man I want! I am tired of her stealing everything and trying to be the sexiest girl when she’s not. So I gripped her hair pulling it and shoving her to the ground as she whimpered.
I just smiled,
“Want to flirt? Flirt with the ground asshole.” I insulted her and Destin grabbed me and pulled me away from her and out the bar quickly. He looked at me as I giggled, not regretting what I just did. The outside shifted between, the wind blew my hair back as he quickly took me down the side-walk as I giggled as we ran down it together, just the two of us. Our hands interlocked, while he ran down like a run-way model, his smile was huge as he pulled me to the side beside a convenient store as we looked each other in the eyes.
I couldn’t help but star in his eyes, as we became closer as he pulled me in his arms as we were face-to face. As he was leaning in, I turned away from him and giggled running down farther as he chased me as a growl came from him following me as a squeak came out of my mouth accidentally. Then the wind breezed upon me as my feet ran forward more and back as my hair flowed back as I ran, turning more as he finally tackled me and grabbed his arms around me, my eyebrow went up and grinned, I tapped my foot. His eyes landed on me, and blushed more as he looked down as if he did something wrong. His eyes were submissive but he shook his head and grown instead, he grabbed me and glared at me trying to be dominant, but he looked at me submissively. His cheats were pink, he decided to pull me away and walk me to his car. A Honda Civic, those aren’t that bad, they are actually the best cars around mentioned by the car dealerships. But they are pretty expensive, that rich people can afford.
As a gentleman, he opened the car-door for me as I got in as he shut it for me. Sitting here I waited as he got in and shut the car-door while putting his key in the key-hole and the engine started.
“Destin – are you okay? You look nervous.” I asked as he just started driving and away as I sawed. Maybe he’s embarrassed to admit something but act dominant to cover what he did but it didn’t really help because I know a real dominance feeling and a submissive feeling. Looking outside the window, buildings are in front as people walk on the side-walk and many apartment complexes are around. Great.. Doesn’t really help me at all, reminds me of a difficult past. Not mentioning.
“Yeah why?” He questioned as if nothing happened. He’s so embarrassed to even bring up what just happened, why is he so shy? He literally grew and showed dominance to me. But we ran down like a couple gigglingand having fun, I blushed as well realizing. Oh my god, I thought to myself. We acted like we were a couple. And we just met today at a bar! His head turned slightly as we drove down farther making it down a sturdy curvy road that was bumpy. Then his hand rubbed against the volume slider as he turned it on as country music played, he loves country music? He doesn’t seem like a country boy. He hummed as he paid more attention to the road than me.
“Just asking because of what happened..” I mumbled replying as he sighs as he drives.
I stayed quiet as the music played along, he was silent and his breathing can be heard from his heaviness. We make it by the fields as he drives up a lone mansion type house. He parks in front and gets out of the vehicle taking his keys as he goes over to my side and opens the car-door for me like a gentleman as I smile and get out as I bow my head going around. My eyes wandered everything, the beautiful lodge mansion.Lots of landscape around it, it had modern but old structures to it. Flowers were planted near the edges as roses seemed to pop out with some daisies, they are so beautiful. Before noticing he walked inside the front door, my feet quickly jumped making my way to him as he turned the light on to reveal the hanging crystalized chandelier that was wonderfully built. My eyes explored as he looked at me and shut the door behind me as the living room was humongous but organized. There was a comfortable sideways couch that seemed fluffy and most definitely the best to nap on. A shelf was near revealing pictures of him and family, with some books behind them.
The marbled floor was clear and mopped as the carpet layered under the couch and coffee table. There was an open door frame as I walked through the dining room, a big large long table with another chandelier on top as picture frames were on the walls that were from the old times, and some of them were paintings beautifully drawn.
It feels sheltered and safe. The mansion was well – proportioned and so huge and not tiny. It feels so secure and nice here. Destin was following behind me, his cologne can be smelled easily. Strong scent but something I like.
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