The Room

Kas’s was the application to take Don’s eye; she was a 19 year old American student, studying Accountancy at the local University. She was looking for a room for her second year after being in the halls of residence for her first year.

The advertisement read;

“Room to let, low rent in exchange for compliance of rules”

Kas was immediately drawn to the advertisement, rang the number and made an appointment.

When she arrived, Mr. Ellis beckoned her into his locke whilst his daughter made them a cup of tea and took her leave. He asked if she would mind answering a few personal questions as he had to be very careful in whom he let the room to.

“Sure anything at all.”

“Whom did you live with at home?”

“Mum, Dad and brother Simian.”

“What happened if Either of you were naughty?”

“Usually daddy would punish us.”


“Usually a spanking if we were bad, or the woodshed if Simian was really bad.”

“When was your last spanking?”

The questions although of a very private and personal in nature never phased Kas, it was part of her upbringing and she was comfortable with it.

“Oh ages ago Sir.”

She wondered why she called him Sir.

“And be honest now, do you miss them?”

“Yes Sir I do, may I add something?”

“Of course.”

“I miss the, the… this may sound silly Sir”

“Continue girl.”

“Sir, I miss my Daddy’s attention Sir.”

“I will stop the questions now; I do not wish to embarrass you.”

“Oh that’s ok Sir, it sort of comforts me to talk about things like that.”

“As you wish… How were you dealt with?”

“Well Sir, Simian is 2 years older than me and when he was really bad he was taken to Daddy’s woodshed. It happened just before I left last year and I peeped, Daddy made him take of his pants right off so his long weenie was just hanging down and he had to lean over the saw horse. Daddy took off his belt and gave him over 20, I saw him lower his belt so I began to run into the house.”

I then heard a whoosh and a crack, I ran back and by the time Daddy had finished I could count 10 bright red stripes.”

“How did that make you feel?” “Would I be crazy if I said jealous Sir?”

“No lilone, that’s quite natural, let me tell you into a secret, Willow is not my daughter, but my lilone, I look after her daily needs, I protect her and I correct her when she needs it. I also give her maintenance every week.”

“What is maintenance Sir?”

“Well, as luck would have it, today is Willows maintenance day, which is why she is not in here with us. Would you like to see her receive it”?

As they walked to Mr. Ellis’s study he explained, “My role is to run and be in charge in This house and as such run a DD home, which means, Domestic Discipline. Willow on the other hand had just a simple role of obeying all the house rules and pleasure me.”

“Pleasing you Sir?”

“Shhhhhhhh, quiet girl, do not interrupt,all will be made clear, she is spanked by me for 3 separate reasons, maintenance once a week, as you will witness yourself now, for being naughty, and if I feel she needs a reminder, wherever we may be, she bares her bottom for a spanking.”

“Oh on the bare Sir, I never realized” as she finished they entered the study.

Willow was stood in the corner of the room, naked and with her hands on her head in the chicken wing position, elbows well back and titles pushed out.

“Sit on my chair Kas and remain silent.”

Kas had her eyes transferred on the naked bottom of Willow; still showing disappoint stripes of a well looked after bottom. “Yesssss Sirrr.”

“Willow” Mr. Ellis sat himself on the stool in the centre of the room as Willow turned slowly and strictly walked towardss him.”

Kas felt a feeling between her legs, a feeling she had never before felt, well only when she was over her Daddy’s knee. Willow stood in front of Mr. Ellis and opened her legs to allow Mr. Ellis to examine her pussy lips.

“Willow has chosen to be clean and held, and as such must always be stubble free, failure to do so on inspection earns her 5 with the senior cane, as so” and he turned her bottom towards Kas and lean her forward.

Kas could hardly contain herself and the noise she was making made Mr. Ellis gives her a stare, which curtailed her excitement for a few seconds. Mr. Ellis tapped his knee and she bent over, hands touching the floor and legs apart just enough so her pussy lips parted. He spanked her bottom hard, she was soon in tears, up to her waist and down to the back of her knees, and not an inch was sparred from turning criminal. Mr. Ellis stopped, and as if by instinct Willow raised herself up gently, placed her hands behind her head and walked back to the corner. Mr. Ellis saw the owl like eyes of Kas staring at Willow.

The only sounds now were the sobs of Willow and the sight as she caught her breath.

Mr. Ellis stood; “Willow,” Willow turned and walked towards the desk in a well-practised routine. Her small pert tits stood proud from her well-toned body, and her nipples at full stretch facing Kas.

She leaned forward and stretched over the desk her legs wide apart and her arms following suit like a starfish.

Kas heard a rustling and looked up, she saw Mr. Ellis unbuckling his belt, slowly he undid the clap and he pulled the belt through his trouser loops and bent it double.

He stood back a pace and laid it across Willows red bottom, as he raised his arm Willow raised her bottom to meet the downturn, WHOOSH CRACKK, Willow held firm,

WHOOSH CRACK, again she met the stroke,

WHOOSH CRACK the third welt created a small whimper, The fourth, WWHHOOSSHH CCRRAACCKK, a scream,


Mr. Ellis replaced his belt and sat on the stool again, “Willow, come and sit with Daddy”

Willow stand, sobbing and reached down to her bottom, she sat on Mr. Ellis’s knee as his strong arms hugged her to his chest, he let her sob and sniff and he stroked her bottom.

His right hand then reached between her legs and Kas saw him struggling her pussy lips, he then entered her pussy and brought her to a shivering climax, again Mr. Ellis hugged her and kissed her head. He looked over to Kas and before he could speak, she was missing; he had been so engrossed with Willow he never noticed her get up and go.

As Willow was stood up they both looked into the corner, Kas stood naked and with her hands on her head.


She turned “Sir please would you look after me and take me in hand like your Willow”?


All went as it should during the months that followed Kas being taken in by Don. The understanding all three had between them compiled each other so much so Don had the girls in his charge now call Him Daddy.

That is before;

“Willow, prepare”

It was not that she mindedtaking a spanking and the cane for Kas, why she would do it for any friend, is that not what friends do? It’s just that it did not seem to sit right, why, she never had a secret in her whole life and if ever found anything out from the girls at the local munches would divulge to Kas and Daddy in the taxi on the way home.


“I’m here Daddy.”

“It is not often you come before Me for a punishment girl?”

“No Sir.”

“Anything to say?”

Willows eyes raised and looked into Kas’s eyes who was to witness her first ever punishment.


A punishment, like, “A Punishment” was different to any other form of correction.

It was done by Daddy, of course, all though some Daddy’s sent their really naughty girls to Mr. Abraham’s, he seemed to be the chief discilinarian in their local DD group, because they were not strong enough to administrator such hidings, Daddy did His own.

Amanda, Mr. Towns lilone said she was sent to Mr. Abraham’s once when she was caught giving a kiss, as in a KISS, to a girl from another group. It was not that our group was against girl on girl, why I slept with Kas most of the time, unless I’m in Daddys bed, and we often kiss and play with each others nipples and pussy’s, sometimes we do it as a show and Daddy watches. I love the taste of Kas, he pussy juices are just the sweetest thing you ever tasted, and when she does it to me she almost trys to swallow my clipty and i cum and cum and cum. Anyway, Amanda had to go to Mr. Abraham’s at 10.30 and she was 2 minutes late, for that he slapped her face, twice, and when she had taken her coat off he lent her over his knee. Right there and then in the hallway as he put his foot on the bottom step so she could lean over something and he smacked the top of her legs so many times and so hard she wondered what was in store for her.

When he finished, she said she crumbled to the floor. He went into what he called the naughty girls room and calld her in. His lilones, Fay and Billy, were waiting for her and as soon as she went in they took hold of her, quite roughly. They made sure then pinched her nipples when they took off her top and bra and that Fay fingered her roughly when taking her pants down. They took her to a large tall stool thing in the middle of the room and pushed her over. They tied her legs first to each corner, bent her right over and tied her hands to the opposite corners and stood back, she could see them smiling.

The phone went and Mr. Abraham’s left the room, it was like a signal to the girls. One went behind and rubbed the tops of her sore legs before pushing 2 or three fingers into her pussy The other lifted hers skirt, lowered her pants and grabbed Amanda by the hair.

“Make me cum before Daddy gets back or we will say you have have rubbing yourself on the spanking horse to cum.”

Amanda said the girl pushed her hairy pussy right onto her mouth and nose and so she put out her tongue and began to work her, she soon cum. To be replaced by the other, who pushed her pussy so hard onto her face she almost stopped breathing, but she too soon cum. They then both fingered her till they hear the phone go back into its holder.

“Daddy, look how wet she is, she has been pushing onto the spanking horse making all sorts of noises.”

The bitches had had their fun, and still told a lie to get her more punishment. Mr. Abraham’s had a look, and a prod and a poke, “10 extra on her pussy lips with the senior cane when we have done should remedy the situation, well done girls for telling Me.”

Punishments are harsh, no warm up spankings, no corner time just straight into the tawse.

She was not sure how many, 20 or even 30 or 40, they were so hard and so brutal she was screaming from about the 5th.

He stopped and had the girls count the cane.

“1,2,3, …17,18…28, 29, 30”

“Unstrap her and lay her down”

The girls retired this, she was un buckles and laid on her back and each girl took a leg and held it high and wide.

She saw Mr. Abraham’s approach through tear filled eyes.

“You are a naughty, naughty girl, I told your Daddy you would be punished, and punished you will be.”

He tapped her pussy and bent down and opened her lips, Hmm, “Still wet” Whoosh, crack, Whoosh, crack, Whoosh, crack, Whoosh, crack.

Mr. Abraham’s did not hold back, it was if he was able a bottom he was so hard, she passed out.

When she came to Mr Abraham’s was standing in front of her, “let that be a lesson to you girl, if you come before Me again I will not be so tolerant,” with that he left the room and left his two lilones with her.

As soon he left the two girls removed their pants, one strapped on a huge strap on, the sort which also went into her own pussy and when she pushed in it also impaled her pussy. The other simply sat on Amanda’s face, her pussy onto Amanda’s mouth, she squeezed her nipples until she had no option but to tongue her abuser.

The other mounted Amanda spreading her swollen pussy lips and fucked her.

When they had both had her to their satisfaction they stood her up slapped her bottom and told her to dress.

Well it was THE most awful experience a girl could have, and not only that, when she got home, she went over her Daddys knee for a spanking after he had read the letter from Mr. Abraham’s on her provocative, slutty manner.

She was used that evening, several times and her Daddy commented on how tight she felt, this made the pussy whipping worthwhile if it pleased her Daddy.


Kas spoke, “excuse me Daddy, may I speak”

Daddy nodded.

“I believe I should be in Willows place Sir, she is taking the blow for me.”

Daddy raised His eyesbrows, His way of requesting Kas to continue.

“I did a really stupid thing Daddy and I was going to let Willow take my punishment.” “You mean the letter girl, I know”

“You knew Sir”

“Yes of course, Daddy’s know everything, I knew you met a man and you told him your name was Willow and he wrote you a letter of what he would like to do to you. Willow, come and stand next to Daddy, Kas, strip and bend over the stool.”

Daddy went the cupboard and removed His 2″ thick belt, the three holed paddle and the ½” thick senior cane.


“Yes Daddy”

“Find me Mr. Abraham’s phone number, I think it time both of you paid him a visit.”

“Yyeess Daddy”

Kas did not sleep easy that evening but Willow slept in Daddy’s big bed and he used her both their pleasures.


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