The Roads We Travel

We drove east through the Smokies, the sun bleeding out over the top of the trees as it sank slowly on that August afternoon. Maeve sat next to me and I slipped my fingers under her dress and behind the rope that I’d tied between her legs, giving it a gentle pull. Her mouth fell open as the rope tightened and the knot that I’d made rubbed against her pussy over her pink panties. She sat back against the seat and spread her legs for me as she looked a little bashfully at the cars passing around us.

That morning before we’d left the movie, I’d tied the rope around her waist and between her legs while she smiled at me, happy about it and proud of it. We’d driven for miles that way and I knew that she wanted to be played with. When we stopped at a rest stop, she snapped a picture of herself, tucking that moment away for later. Back in the car, we kissed and it made me want her so badly, just as it always does.

We rolled through the mountains and I kept one hand on the wheelUsing the other to tease and torque her, pulling at the rope between her legs and running my fingers over the outline of her sex as I felt her starting to soak through her panties. I reached into the bag behind my seat and pulled out the vibrating wand; her smile widening when she saw it. I turned it on and pressed it against the rope between her legs, watching her eyes fall shut.

Cars and trucks passed us as I ran the vibrator across the rope. She leaned against the window and gripped the seat, spreading her legs in want and raising herself up when I teased her by pulling the vibrator a little out of reach.

“Can I please come?” she asked and I said nothing.

“Please,” she asked again, with a growing urgency in her voice.

Maeve isn’t allowed to come without permission and I like to take her as close as possible to breaking the rule as I can before I give it to her.

“Please, may I come!” She said a third time.

“Come for me now,” I said to her and shemoaned, letting go of the orgasm she’d been barely keeping at bay, sinking into the seat.

She leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder, wrapping both of her arms around one of mine. I could smell the wind in her hair when I kissed the top of her head and I could feel her smile grow as she pressed her lips to my skin.

I revealed in the feeling of that new relationship taking shape as we continued east through the mountains. Everything felt natural with Maeve, even the spur of the moment road trip that we were on. We’d only been on a handful of dates when I brought up the potential of taking it myself.

“Do you want a road trip buddy?” she’d asked and I could feel myself falling fast, having already contemplated asking her to come with. We pulled the trip together in a very short amount of time and having her there with me on a road in the middle of nowhere felt like a lucid dream.

We rolled on through the mountains, listening to Holly Randall’s podcast aboutadult entertainment as the day faded away. Under a clear night sky, we told stories and held hands, playing each other music and sometimes sing along to the radio.

It’d been a long time since anyone made me feel anything other than passing fascination and I wasn’t expecting how quickly and heavily I was falling for Maeve. There were plenty of times when my head told my heart to slow down, but my heart’s never been the reasonable type.

It’d also been a while since I’d seen anyone non-monogamously. It was taking some getting used to, to feel like I wasn’t asking too much too soon. In the moments when I pulled back a little because of that, Maeve was there to pull me forward again.

We were on the road for the better part of three days, staying in a different city each night. We’d decided to take Our time and see a few things together, even if they were out of the way. It was all spontaneous and exciting and whimsical.

We spent one night in an odd old motor lodgein Pigeon Forge, having driven all day through Tennessee. I feel certain that once upon a time the place was very fashionable, but those days were long gone. We found amusement in its absurdness though and it offered us a bed, which was all that we really needed at the end of the day.

That night we slept little; we fucked and we talked and we held on to each other tight. In the few hours that we Did rest I never let her go because the feeling of having her in my arms was a shiny kind of happiness and I didn’t ever want it to end.

When we got to the end of our road trip, we had a few days to stretch our legs before we were meant to fly home. We walked through the streets of my old hometown, holding hands and kissing, living outside of real-time in our own little world. I was trying desperately not to get ahead of myself, but it was a challenge because every day together brought a new reason for me to love her.

One morning while lying in bed, she put on an Elvis trackin the background. I didn’t notice what song it was until she started to sing along with it.

“Take my hand, take my whole life too

…For I can’t help falling in love with you”

She looked me in the eyes while singing it and after the song was over, she said those three words to me and I said them back. She teas me often about having been the first to say them and rightfully so. Those words had been on my mind for days, but while I was trying to keep them in, she couldn’t wait to let them out.


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